Linking co-monitoring to co-management: bringing together local, traditional, and scientific knowledge in a wildlife status assessment framework
Effective wildlife management requires accurate and timely information on conservation status and trends, and knowledge of the factors driving population change. Reliable monitoring of wildlife population health, including disease, body condition, and population trends and demographics, is central to achieving this, but conventional scientific monitoring alone is often not sufficient. Combining different approaches and knowledge types can provide a more holistic understanding than conventional science alone and can bridge gaps in scientific monitoring in remote and sparsely populated areas. Inclusion of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) is core to the wildlife co-management mandate of the Canadian territories and is usually included through consultation and engagement processes. We propose a status assessment framework that provides a systematic and transparent approach to including TEK, as well as local ecological knowledge (LEK), in the design, implementation, and interpretation of wildlife conservation status assessments. Drawing on a community-based monitoring program for muskoxen and caribou in northern Canada, we describe how scientific knowledge and TEK/LEK, documented through conventional monitoring, hunter-based sampling, or qualitative methods, can be brought together to inform indicators of wildlife health within our proposed assessment framework.
Atuttiaqtut angutikhat aulatauni piyalgit nalaumayumik piyarakittumiklu tuhagakhat nunguttailininut qanuritni pitquhitlu, ilihimanilu pityutit pipkaqni amigaitnit alanguqni. Naahuriyaulat munarini angutikhat amigaitni aaniaqtailini, ilautitlugit aaniarutit, timai qanuritnit, amigaitnitlu pitquhit hiamaumanilu, atugauniqhauyut pitaqninut una, kihimik atuqtauvaktut naunaiyaiyit munariyauni kihimik amihuni naamangitmata. Ilaliutyaqni allatqit pityuhit ilihimanitlu qanuritni piqarutaulat tamatkiumaniqhanik kangiqhimani atuqtauvaktuniunganit naunaiyaiyit munarinit ahiniittut akuttuyunik amigaitni inait. Ilaliutyaqni pitquhit uumatyutit ilihimani (TEK) qitqanittut angutikhat aulaqataunit havariyaqaqtai tapkuat Kanatamiuni nunatagauyut ilaliutivakniqhatlu atuqhugit uqaqatigikni piqataunilu pityuhiit. Uuktutigiyavut qanuritnia naunaiyaqni havagut piqaqtitiyuq havagutikhainik hatqiumanilu pityuhit ilautitlugit Pitquhit Uumatyutit Ilihimanit (TEK), tapkualuttauq nunalikni uumatyutit ilihimanit (LEK), hanatyuhikhaini, atuqpaliani, tukiliuqnilu angutikhat nunguttailini qanuritnit naunaiyaqni. Pivigiplugit nunaliuyuningaqtut munaqhityutit havagutit umingmaknut tuktutlu ukiuqtaqtuani Kanata, unnirtuqtavut qanuq naunaiyaiyit ilihimani tapkuatlu TEK/LEK, titiqhimani atuqhugit atuqtauvaktut munaqhityutaunit, angunahuaqtumingaqtut naunaiyagat, uvaluniit nakuuninut pityuhit, atauttimuktaulat tuhaqhitninut naunaipkutat angutikhat tahamani uuktutauyuq naunaiyaqni havagutai.
Graphical Abstract
Une gestion efficace de la faune nécessite des informations exactes et en temps voulu sur l’état et les tendances de la conservation ainsi qu’une connaissance des facteurs qui stimulent les changements au sein des populations. Un suivi fiable de la santé des populations d’animaux sauvages, notamment des maladies, de la condition physique et des mouvements des populations et de la démographie joue un rôle clé pour y parvenir, mais le suivi scientifique conventionnel à lui seul n’est souvent pas suffisant. La combinaison de différentes approches et de types de savoirs peut donner lieu à une compréhension plus holistique que la science conventionnelle seule et elle peut combler les lacunes du suivi scientifique en régions éloignées et peu densément peuplées. L’inclusion des connaissances écologiques traditionnelles (CET) est au cœur du mandat de cogestion de la faune des territoires canadiens et se réalise généralement au moyen de processus de consultation et de participation. Ce groupe de recherche propose un cadre d’évaluation de la situation qui fournit une approche systématique et transparente pour inclure les CET, de même que les connaissances écologiques locales (CEL), dans la conception, la mise en œuvre et l’interprétation des évaluations de la situation quant à la conservation de la faune. En s’appuyant sur un programme de surveillance communautaire du bœuf musqué et du caribou dans le nord du Canada, il décrit comment les connaissances scientifiques et les CET/CEL, documentées par la surveillance classique, l’échantillonnage par les chasseurs ou les méthodes qualitatives peuvent être réunies pour enrichir les indicateurs de la santé de la faune dans le cadre d’évaluation proposé. [Traduit par la Rédaction]
Rapid climate change and an increasing human footprint are threatening the health of Arctic wildlife and communities (e.g., Post and Forchhammer 2008; Meakin and Kurvits 2009; Dobson et al. 2015; Schoolmeester et al. 2019). Timely and accurate status assessments of wildlife populations are necessary to design, implement, and evaluate management and recovery plans that ensure the sustainability of wildlife for future generations (Carwardine et al. 2012; Martin et al. 2018). Obtaining adequate information on wildlife population health, such as estimates of abundance, demographic parameters, body condition, and disease prevalence (Table 1), to inform status assessments is often a challenge, exacerbated in the Arctic by logistical and financial constraints to conventional scientific monitoring (Brook et al. 2009; Mallory et al. 2018).
Table 1.
Bringing together multiple sources of knowledge, including local ecological knowledge (LEK), traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), and scientific knowledge (SK) (Table 1), can help to address data deficiencies and ultimately leads to more equitable, inclusive, and proactive monitoring of wildlife health (Rathwell et al. 2015; Kutz and Tomaselli 2019). Around the world, Indigenous groups, governmental and conservation organizations, and researchers have called for the co-management of natural resources with Indigenous lands/rights owners, the direct engagement of Indigenous people in wildlife research, and the incorporation of LEK/TEK into wildlife status assessments (Usher 2000; UN General Assembly 2007; Tengö et al. 2014; COSEWIC 2017; Cross et al. 2017; Ban et al. 2018; Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami 2018; Hill et al. 2019). These calls are often addressed through consultation and engagement with Indigenous groups, which may not always take place early in the process nor in a systematic fashion and, thus, can lead to dissatisfaction with both the process and outcomes (Gray 2016).
Going beyond consultation and engagement on wildlife management, community-based, and especially community-driven, monitoring programs allow for direct involvement of local people in co-monitoring of natural resources, including wildlife (e.g., Bell and Harwood 2012; Carlsson et al. 2016). Local resource users hold knowledge that contributes to understanding local ecology that scientists who only travel to the community periodically and for short periods of time may lack. Community-based monitoring provides opportunities for social learning among monitoring partners, including instances where local resource users can provide early input into the management process (Berkes 2009). LEK/TEK and community-based monitoring programs can improve the detection of emerging trends and the understanding of changes in wildlife health and ecology (e.g., Service et al. 2014; Henri et al. 2018; Tomaselli et al. 2018b). Co-management and co-monitoring of wildlife is also more equitable and ethical than hierarchal science-management systems, and is a step towards Indigenous Peoples achieving self-determination and greater autonomy in wildlife management (Berkes et al. 2007; Armitage et al. 2011; Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami 2018; Salomon et al. 2019). Co-monitoring is of particular importance in the Arctic where remoteness, financial resources, and harsh environmental conditions pose challenges for conventional scientific monitoring, and the close, long-standing, and ongoing relationship that Indigenous Peoples share with their natural environment qualifies them as expert observers (Ferguson et al. 1998; Pearce et al. 2015; Tomaselli et al. 2018a; Kutz and Tomaselli 2019).
The benefits of drawing on community-based monitoring and LEK/TEK for wildlife monitoring are numerous and increasingly well documented, but the tools to connect that wealth of information to management processes have lagged behind (Murray 2000; Usher 2000; Hill et al. 2019). Although inclusion of TEK and consultation in wildlife co-management is mandated in the Canadian Territories (Inuvialuit — Canada 1984; Inuit of the Nunavut Settlement Area — Canada 1993) and conservation agencies and organizations are increasing required or wanting to use LEK/TEK in status assessments (e.g., COSEWIC 2017; Hill et al. 2019), effective and systematic use of LEK/TEK in wildlife status assessments is still challenging (Peacock et al. 2011; Armitage and Kilburn 2015). The outcome of consultation and engagment processes can be variable and context dependent, at times leading to dissatisfaction among Indigenous partners (Gray 2016) and a perceived lack of scientific credibility (Hill et al. 2019; Schoolmeester et al. 2019). These problems may be addressed, in part, with tools that provide clear procedure and guidance for how to effectively and respectfully include LEK/TEK (e.g., Salomon et al. 2019). Such tools must not pose a barrier to the meaningful participation of resource users and also need to be accessible to wildlife practitioners within the current paradigm (Kutz and Tomaselli 2019).
Herein, we propose a systematic, transparent, and replicable framework for how LEK, TEK, and SK can be brought together to inform wildlife status assessments. We draw on our experiences collaboratively studying muskox and caribou health in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories to illustrate how different approaches to monitoring, including hunter-based or harvest-based sampling (HBS; Bell and Harwood 2012) and qualitative methods (Tomaselli et al. 2018b), can be integrated with conventional scientific monitoring in the proposed assessment framework. The framework is developed in concept only and has not yet been applied in real-world management scenarios. Critically, for it to be fully implemented, further discussions with all partners are required to collaboratively identify the key health measures (indicators and metrics), an appropriate reference frame (benchmarks), and how these can be integrated to determine overall status. Our ultimate goal is to promote healthy wildlife for healthy communities. To this end, the proposed framework aims to draw on all knowledge sources to facilitate more inclusive and timely conservation status assessments.
Status assessment framework
The need for a status assessment framework that can incorporate information from community-based monitoring programs, including LEK/TEK, in a systematic way emerged from reflections on our decades of collaborative wildlife health monitoring in the Arctic (Brook et al. 2009; Carlsson et al. 2016; Di Francesco et al. 2017; Kutz et al. 2017; Kafle et al. 2018; Tomaselli et al. 2018b). In our experience, although there are many excellent initiatives in community-based monitoring led by a variety of groups and organizations, pathways to formally and systematically connect this monitoring to conservation or management planning are not always clear. The status assessment framework that we introduce in this paper was inspired by the strategy for standardized monitoring of biological status of wild Pacific salmon under Canada’s Wild Salmon Policy (Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2005; DFO 2019). Under the Wild Salmon Policy, biological status is assessed in a traffic light approach where a green status indicates the population is resilient and can meet ecological, societal, and cultural needs, an amber status indicates there are some conservation concerns, and a red status indicates that the population is at risk of extirpation. The management actions triggered by these different status designations is beyond the scope of what we address in this paper, but ideally are agreed upon by all co-management partners prior to undertaking assessments. Biological status assessments of salmon under the Wild Salmon Policy are mainly based on SK, although input of local experts and Indigenous Peoples may be incorporated at later stages in the assessment process (e.g., DFO 2018). We build on that framework and advance it to explicitly include LEK/TEK early in both the design and implementation of the assessment framework. In this section, we describe the pieces of our proposed framework, borrowing terms that are applied in the Wild Salmon Policy but are also consistent with other national (e.g., COSEWIC 2019) and international (e.g., IUCN 2017) conservation status assessment frameworks (Table 1).
For a given population, “indicators” are broad factors known to influence or be characteristic of population health (Table 1). Indicators are analogous to “determinants of health” previously described for caribou (Macbeth and Kutz 2018; Wittrock et al. 2019) and may include factors intrinsic to the population being studied (e.g., body condition, stress, nutritional status, presence of pathogens, pathogen exposure, and demographic parameters) as well as extrinsic factors to the population, both biotic (e.g., predation) and abiotic (e.g., environmental drivers). Although it is recognized that intrinsic and extrinsic factors are often intertwined, identifying appropriate intrinsic and extrinsic indicators for the wildlife population being assessed is the first step to building an effective status assessment framework. Ideally, the selected indicators are both sensitive and specific to changes in population health, but are not repetitive and make efficient use of limited monitoring resources (Rice and Rochet 2005). Each indicator has one or more specific “metrics”, or measurable variables that tell us about some aspect of the indicator (Fig. 1). Metrics can be informed by quantitative, semi-quantitative, or qualitative data obtained through different methods and representing different knowledge types.
Fig. 1.
A reference frame against which each metric can be compared is required to determine if the population is healthy or at risk of extirpation. “Benchmarks” (a.k.a., biological reference points) are the thresholds against which metrics are compared to determine red, amber, or green status. This traffic light approach indicates the relative risk of extirpation that may trigger specific management actions; such an approach has been adapted for several regional caribou management programs (e.g., Porcupine Carbou Management Board 2010; Advisory Committee for Cooperation on Wildlife Management 2014). Establishing the benchmark that delineates green and amber status, or the “target” benchmark, requires defining what is healthy and indicative of a resilient, sustainable population. Establishing the benchmark that delineates red and amber status, or the “limit” benchmark, requires considering how changes in the metric correspond to changes in population viability, whether and how environmental changes can influence the metric, uncertainty and stochasticity in population viability, and finally, the risk tolerance for extirpation. As such, the process of setting benchmarks must be collaborative and involve Indigenous communities, local resource users, management agencies, wildlife researchers, and other invested groups. Finally, benchmarks should account for the uncertainty intrinsic to the metrics themselves (e.g., measurement error). Due to the multiple local factors that must be considered, benchmarks are likely to be unique to a population.
Benchmarks may be fixed at some level or they may be recalculated on a regular basis. For example, a limit benchmark on the estimated population size (a metric describing abundance) may be the 25th percentile of the historical population size. This benchmark could be recalculated each year as the historical record grows, but one danger of recalculating benchmarks on an annual basis is a “shifting baseline” (Pauly 1995). In our example of population size, if the population has declined over time, the corresponding decline in the limit benchmark would mean that a population size that would have led to a red status in the past now results in an amber status. Shifting baselines may exacerbate declines in population health by resulting in optimistic status assessments, thereby delaying management interventions.
In the case study below, we provide examples of how indicators and metrics can be defined and informed by different knowledge types (Fig. 1). We illustrate potential approaches to calculating benchmarks for our data. The next steps are to integrate metrics to assign an overall status for each indicator and then to evaluate the different indicators together to arrive at an overall status designation of the population. These next steps are beyond the scope of this paper, but must consider the perspectives of LEK/TEK holders and scientists to ensure that the local context and strengths and limitations of the knowledge types (Table 2) are fully understood when “weighting” different metrics to assign an overall status. Overall status may not be a simple average of the different metrics; a precautionary approach may be to assign an overall red status if there is a red status under any one metric, regardless of the status of other metrics. When metrics derived from different knowledge types do not agree, further consideration of the context, limitations, and potential biases of each metric are required (Bohensky and Maru 2011; Armitage and Kilburn 2015). Ultimately, this type of critical thinking strengthens our understanding of the ecological system and the output of status assessments (e.g., see Kutz and Tomaselli 2019).
Table 2.
A case study of caribou and muskoxen
Here, we explore how different monitoring approaches and knowledge types can feed into the assessment framework we have outlined. We draw on our experience with a caribou and muskox health monitoring initiative that began in the Sahtu Settlement Area, Northwest Territories in 2003 as a partnership among Indigenous communities, wildlife managers, and academic researchers and has since expanded to communities in the Kitikmeot, Nunavut and Inuvialuit, Northwest Territories regions (Brook et al. 2009; Carlsson et al. 2016; Di Francesco et al. 2017; Tomaselli et al. 2018b). This program has evolved over time to include data from conventional scientific approaches (e.g., live animal sampling, population census, and targeted surveillance; Table 2), HBS (Brook et al. 2009; Kutz et al. 2013), and LEK/TEK documented through structured and semi-structured individual and group interviews, including participatory activities with both Indigenous and non-Indigenous community members (Tomaselli et al. 2018b). The Ekaluktutiak Hunters and Trappers Organization, Kugluktuk Angoniatit Association, and Olokhaktomiut Hunters and Trappers Committee have been integral to the success of these wildlife monitoring programs by providing direction and motivation for monitoring activities and engaging their membership in the HBS program; because of their collective long-term involvement and the fluid nature of both membership and executive of these organizations, we have included the organizations themselves rather than specific individuals as coauthors on this paper.
Conventional scientific approaches to monitoring caribou and muskoxen have been well documented elsewhere (Adams et al. 2008; Kutz et al. 2013). Here, we describe our approach to HBS and documenting LEK/TEK (specific details are provided in associated publications) and then illustrate how these could be used to identify and inform indicators of population health for caribou and muskoxen.
Approaches to monitoring population health and conservation status
Different approaches to knowledge documentation, including conventional scientific monitoring, HBS, and interviews, may target different knowledge types and can complement each other to generate deeper insights into ecosystems and population status and trends (Table 2). This concept is not novel; government biologists and northern communities have a long-standing history of working together to monitor and manage wildlife (Government of the Northwest Territories 2019). There have also been various community-based wildlife monitoring programs initiated by academic researchers, communities, governments, and co-management organizations (e.g., Ferguson et al. 1998; Pearce et al. 2015; Henri et al. 2018); we do not attempt a comprehensive review of these programs. Rather, we briefly describe our collaborative HBS program for caribou and muskoxen and our approaches to documenting LEK/TEK through interviews and participatory activities (Tomaselli et al. 2018b), with a focus on how this information can feed into the assessment framework.
HBS typically involves hunters in the systematic collection of biological samples and data for scientific analysis. Hunters can provide samples that are otherwise difficult to procure from free-ranging animals through conventional scientific approaches, such as organs that can only be obtained post-mortem. Biological samples collected by hunters provide information on infectious disease and on biological and physiological parameters of sampled animals (Kutz et al. 2013; Patyk et al. 2015; Di Francesco et al. 2017; Wittrock et al. 2019), which are important determinants of population health (Deem et al. 2001; Tompkins et al. 2011). For example, in our HBS program, hunters may submit blood on filter paper that can be used to test for exposure to pathogens (Curry et al. 2011; Carlsson et al. 2019), a piece of hide from a standardized part of the animal that can provide hair cortisol levels (Di Francesco et al. 2017), and the jaw bone with teeth that can yield insight into age, morphometrics, diet, and overall health. Changes in individual health can result in reduced growth, survival, and reproduction, and can therefore be predictive of changes in population size (Couturier 2012). Information on individual health can thus facilitate proactive management to pre-empt (or at least expect) potential declines, whereas a population census would not reveal declines until they were well underway. Information on individual health can also reveal mechanisms of population change (e.g., increase incidence of disease or poor nutritional status), thus complementing abundance estimates and informing targeted, management actions (Couturier 2012). Finally, ongoing monitoring of infectious disease and contaminants in harvested animals is important to assess the risk of zoonotic disease transmission or exposure to high contaminant levels (Tomaselli et al. 2016; Cunningham et al. 2017).
Although involving hunters in the collection of biological samples and data is not unique (e.g., Jessup 2003; Stallknecht 2007; Artois et al. 2009; Bell and Harwood 2012; Ryser-Degiorgis 2013; World Organization for Animal Health 2014), simultaneously gathering broader ecological data from hunters is less common. Combining biological samples and hunters’ observations can provide additional information on individual and population health, as well as changes in these over time. For example, our program systematically maps and documents hunters’ observations of morbidity and mortality, group size and structure, population trends, behaviour, predator occurrence, and more; observations that are grounded in their lifetime of experience. Hunters also report on anything unusual in harvested animals or observed during their hunting trips; when feasible and acceptable, they are asked to sample abnormalities from harvested animals (Kutz et al. 2013; Carlsson et al. 2016; Tomaselli and Curry 2019).
We see an opportunity with our framework to more formally and systematically include information from HBS when identifying indicators, metrics, and benchmarks. Including information from HBS programs may make status assessments more accurate, reliable, and timely by providing current samples and observations on an ongoing basis that complements conventional scientific monitoring (Table 2). For example, an emergent disease or decline in body condition may be detected through HBS long before it may be detected through population surveys, which can both stimulate and guide subsequent monitoring (Tomaselli et al. 2018b). The information provided by hunters, which is grounded in an intimate connection to the environment, can be more complex and holistic than targeted scientific observation and may provide important insights about the processes underlying observed changes in individual and population health (Kutz and Tomaselli 2019). The lived experience of the hunters, documented through surveys and interviews, can also provide historical baselines useful for identifying benchmarks within the framework. Finally, HBS programs can help build capacity in northern communities by strengthening the role of hunters’ and trappers’ organizations, creating employment opportunities such as the program coordinator, and providing training and research opportunities for youth, as well as supporting food safety and food security. As with any monitoring approach, careful consideration of sample sizes and potential biases and limitations is essential to ensure that status outcomes are representative and reliable (Table 2).
Documenting the LEK/TEK held by hunters is an important and novel aspect of our HBS programs, but LEK/TEK of the broader community can also inform status assessments. LEK/TEK include observations derived from direct interaction of local people with the environment (Table 1). TEK also reflects cultural values and norms of Indigenous peoples that have developed and been passed down over time immemorial (Usher 2000; Thorpe et al. 2001b). As such, TEK is both a source of knowledge and a way of knowing or understanding phenomena — a system of knowledge and interpretation like the scientific method (Wilson 2008). Although we use the term “ecological knowledge”, traditional knowledge that is not conventionally “ecological” in nature (e.g., related to cooking, crafting) can still reflect changes in wildlife populations and is not to be excluded from the framework (Kendrick and Lyver 2005; Kermoal and Altamirano-Jiménez 2016).
LEK/TEK can provide historical baselines for determining benchmarks that extend back in time beyond the scientific record (Ferguson et al. 1998; Eckert et al. 2018) and may identify indicators and metrics not described in the scientific record (e.g., Ostertag et al. 2018). Such indicators and metrics may be identified through individual and group interviews with community members and then corroborated through feedback sessions. Further descriptions of qualitative methods that would be appropriate here are described by, for example, Thorpe et al. (2001a), Kendrick and Lyver (2005), Ljubicic et al. (2018a), and Tomaselli et al. (2018b).
LEK/TEK can also inform metrics commonly used in science to estimate mortality and reproduction rates and model population trends (Holmes and York 2003; Bender 2006), such as abundance, sex ratio, calf/cow ratio, age structure, and pregnancy rates (e.g., see Tomaselli et al. 2018b). The current wildlife-management paradigm is still based on conventional science (Löfmarck and Lidskog 2017; Tomasini 2018), and translation of qualitative observations into (semi-)quantitative data that can be more readily included into existing co-management processes can be useful (Berkes 2009; Robinson and Wallington 2012; Kutz and Tomaselli 2019). This has been done using semi-structured individual and group interviews, including participatory activities for knowledge documentation, such as proportional piling, scoring, and mapping (see Tomaselli et al. 2018b for details of these methods). If interviews are facilitated regularly, relative changes over time in health and demographic metrics may become apparent earlier than they would through infrequent or irregular conventional population monitoring (Kutz and Tomaselli 2019). Conversely, conventional scientific approaches such as aerial surveys are designed to provide absolute population sizes; however, this information may come too late to implement proactive management that pre-empts declines.
Equally important as identifying and informing indicators and metrics is establishing the relative importance of different indicators and their sensitivity and specificity in the context of the assessment. Ideally, this is done prior to undertaking a status assessment, based on LEK/TEK and SK of how changes in the metrics and indicators relate to population dynamics. Different metrics will need to be weighted and integrated when an overall status of the wildlife population is needed (e.g., to inform management). Particularly when different metrics or indicators yield different status outcomes, a collective discussion amongst partners is required for a thorough evaluation of data and interpretation of results (Bohensky and Maru 2011; Armitage and Kilburn 2015). As we have not yet fully implemented this assessment framework, the integration of multiple metrics is beyond our experience, to date, but may be the crux of the status assessment process. Although this framework provides a practical approach to implement LEK/TEK in status assessments, it does not replace the need for meaningful and ongoing consultation and engagement.
Informing indicators with different knowledge types
To illustrate the traffic light approach to assessing indicators under our assessment framework, we show how different sampling approaches and knowledge types can be used assess the indicator “body condition” for muskoxen and caribou. Conventional scientific monitoring of body condition has used various metrics including a standardized body condition score on live animals (i.e., the CircumArctic Rangifer Monitoring and Assessment protocol; Adams et al. 2008) and measurement of back-fat thickness, kidney fat, or bone marrow fat percentage on carcasses (Kutz et al. 2013). Hunter assessments of harvested animals and interviews with hunters can also inform body condition by drawing on the extensive experiential knowledge of hunters and their routine assessment of animals over broad spatial and temporal scales (i.e., LEK/TEK). These different metrics of body condition can be informed by a combination of approaches (Fig. 1). For example, back fat can be measured by ultrasound during live-animal handling by wildlife professionals, yielding precise but sparse data that are limited in number of samples and temporal coverage. In our HBS program, back fat is measured directly by hunters on harvested animals using a ruler included in the sample kits, providing seasonal patterns of condition over time (Fig. 2) (see Carlsson et al. 2016; Tomaselli and Curry 2019). Hunters also record their subjective assessment of body condition of hunted animals by categorizing animals as “skinny”, “not bad”, “fat”, or “really fat” (Fig. 3). The body condition score that a hunter assigns to an animal may depend on their previous experience, and thus the categorical assessment may be relative to past hunts, whereas the measurement of back fat is absolute. At the population level, the application of participatory activities during interviews can be done annually to document hunters’ perspectives on the condition of all observed animals in a single year and gather insights on changes from previous years (e.g., Lyver and Lutsel K’É Dene First Nation 2005; Tomaselli 2018; Tomaselli et al. 2018b). Participatory activities — such as proportional piling (Tomaselli et al. 2018b) — provide a semi-quantitative approach to documenting LEK/TEK, facilitating the comparisons of condition among locations and over time (Fig. 3). For example, to document perceptions of muskox and caribou body condition, Tomaselli et al. (2018b) had participants divide counters (beans) among four body condition categories, and the quantity of beans in each category were then measured or weighed to yield the proportion of the total number of animals observed that were in each body condition category (Fig. 3).
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3.
To understand whether observed changes in body condition over time represent a conservation concern, metrics must be compared to benchmarks to designate a population as having green, amber, or red status. Benchmarks for the body condition metrics that we describe above have not yet been determined, but we illustrate the application of the proposed framework using hypothetical benchmarks for the HBS back-fat measurements (Fig. 2) and body condition scores (Fig. 3) from our HBS programs for muskoxen in Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories. The resulting status outcomes are for illustration only and should not be considered a definitive status assessment. Defining the true benchmarks needs to be done in partnership with the TEK holders, considering both the Indigenous and scientific understanding of the species’ ecology and ensuring that the TEK is interpreted appropriately.
For back-fat thickness of harvested muskoxen from Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, we illustrate two different approaches to defining benchmarks: (1) based solely on the HBS data for back-fat thickness, setting the limit benchmark as the 25th percentile of all available back-fat data (i.e., 2016–2019) for each season and the target benchmark as the 75th percentile of all available back-fat data for each season (dotted lines in Fig. 2), and (2) based on narratives from interviews with hunters, described by Tomaselli et al. (2018b), which indicated that the back fat on muskoxen harvested in the fall around the neighbouring community of Iqaluktutiaq, Nunavut, during population declines was often less than 1 cm (limit benchmark), and pre-decline was often greater than 5 cm (target benchmark; dashed lines in Fig. 2). The data-informed benchmarks account for natural seasonal variation in back-fat thickness but may result in biased status assessments if the time series is short and (or) there have been directional changes in back-fat thickness that result in a shifting baseline (Pauly 1995). Status outcomes may also be biased if changes in hunting preferences or the availability of animals leads to a directional shift in the age or sex of harvested animals, which would make it inappropriate to compare current measurements to historical data. The benchmarks developed from interviews provide a broader context for the metric, both spatially, because they are based on information from another community, and temporally, because LEK/TEK spans a longer time period than the HBS data (Table 2). They are also subject to potential biases if there have been changes in hunting habits over time. In our case, the interviews specifically referred to the fall season, when muskoxen are the fattest, and are not applicable to other seasons. Follow-up interviews may address this by obtaining more detail on seasonal variability in back fat from LEK/TEK. In this case, both sets of hypothetical benchmarks yield an amber status for the most recent back-fat measurements (Fig. 2).
For the body condition scores of harvested muskoxen recorded by hunters, we summarized the raw data (Fig. 3A) by fitting a general additive model for ordered categorical data that we then used to predict the probability of an animal being classified as fat or really fat through time (Fig. 3B). This probability was the quantifiable metric for which we illustrate benchmarks. In this example, we define hypothetical benchmarks from LEK/TEK only, using the results of group proportional piling exercises led by Tomaselli et al. (2018b) in Iqaluktutiaq, Nunavut. On average, participants reported that 74% of observed muskoxen were in good or excellent condition (i.e., fat or really fat) prior to population declines (target benchmark), but only 47% of observed muskoxen were in good or excellent condition in the decline period (limit benchmark; see fig. 4a of Tomaselli et al. 2018b). These interview-based benchmarks do not capture the seasonal variation in body condition present in the data, but nonetheless provide a reference against which the metric can be compared. We note that a shifting baseline may occur in this case because the metric is relative to the hunters’ experience; Tomaselli et al. (2018a) suggested that body condition scores documented though interviews may have underestimated the deterioration of body condition if the subjective scale of measure of the observers was adapting to poorer baselines. Given the interview-based benchmarks, the most recent hypothetical status under this metric would be amber (Fig. 3B), but this would be optimistic if a shifting baseline has occurred.
Including LEK and TEK in conservation status assessments is recognized as important, and in many cases mandated, by local (Government of the Northwest Territories 2019), national (COSEWIC 2017), and international (Cross et al. 2017) agencies. However, the inclusion of LEK/TEK has been hindered by a lack of systematic, transparent, and practical approaches for bridging LEK, TEK, and SK (Usher 2000; Tomasini 2018). We have, in part, addressed this challenge by presenting a framework that can guide the inclusion of LEK/TEK, documented through HBS and interviews, in status assessments from start to finish: identifying general indicators and specific metrics of health, collecting data that inform specific metrics, establishing benchmarks that delineate status zones for each metric, and integrating status outcomes under each indicator to assign an overall status to the population (Fig. 1).
Similar indicator-based assessment frameworks have been developed and applied for other systems (e.g., Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2005; Rice and Rochet 2005), but the novel aspect of what we have described is the inclusion of different sampling approaches and knowledge types. There have been recent efforts to include TEK more systematically in the identification of indicators of health (e.g., for beluga whales (Ostertag et al. 2018) and polar bears (Patyk et al. 2015)) but the link between these indicators and co-management processes or government status assessments (e.g., under COSEWIC; COSEWIC 2019) is not always direct nor clear. Establishing benchmarks so that metrics can be assessed using the traffic light approach is an extra step, but provides a clear and intuitive output that can be applied by co-management boards. Ideally, all co-management partners decide on management actions associated with different status outcomes prior to conducting assessments, so that management actions can be implemented as status outcomes change.
Potential of the proposed framework
The potential applications of our proposed framework are broad. We illustrated the application of the framework using two metrics of body condition of muskoxen, but the concepts introduced can be adapted to other indicators, wildlife species, or even other resources (e.g., water; Castleden et al. 2016; Mantyka-Pringle et al. 2017). In any case, the important first step is to identify indicators and select sensitive, specific, and reliable metrics that allow for timely and representative assessments. Ideally, each indicator is informed by multiple metrics that draw on different knowledge types and data collection methods. Combining LEK, TEK, and SK documented or collected through different approaches (e.g., HBS, interviews, conventional scientific monitoring) to inform the same indicator can help compensate for the limitations, biases, and uncertainties inherent to any single method (Table 2), ultimately increasing the depth, accuracy, and reliability of assessments (Plummer and Armitage 2007; Reed 2008; Berkes 2009; Ljubicic et al. 2018b; Tomaselli et al. 2018b, 2019). Also, documenting resource users’ observations through HBS may facilitate early detection of changes in wildlife population health and status, as observations are more frequent and continuous than conventional scientific monitoring, potentially allowing for proactive wildlife management rather than recovery planning (Kutz and Tomaselli 2019). Bridging different knowledge types, and thus, different data sets, allows the framework to connect information from separate monitoring initiatives. Thus, our framework has the potential to maximize the benefit of data that may already exist in fragmented formats, streamlining a process that may otherwise be a burden on conservation partners.
Careful consideration of metrics
Selection of metrics and respective methods for informing those metrics should take into account the feasibility and logistics of sampling (e.g., cost), ethical considerations (e.g., respecting traditional practices, minimizing animal mortality), sample sizes, and the limitations associated with each approach (Table 2). Community-based monitoring programs can be ideal for informing metrics, but logistical and scientific challenges to such programs include: securing sustainable funding sources (Bell and Harwood 2012); securing the long-term employment of a local coordinator to manage such programs who can communicate in the “languages” of both SK and LEK/TEK and has the skills and resources (e.g., computing) to do so; ensuring sample and data quality; providing appropriate and timely communication of results (Brook et al. 2009); establishing standardized protocols for sample collection and LEK/TEK documentation to ensure comparability across regions (Adams et al. 2008; Kutz et al. 2013); harmonizing data standards and a common database; and determining if adequate sample sizes are obtained. The best approach for informing wildlife conservation status assessments will make the most of existing activities, can be standardized across localities and years, and answers the key questions at hand in a timely manner (Berkes 2009; Tengö et al. 2017).
Future work and considerations
In this case study, we examined how different metrics could be informed by knowledge documented through a community-based monitoring program of caribou and muskox health. To fully implement the proposed framework, we need to identify a suite of appropriate indicators and metrics and relevant benchmarks for each metric that delineate status zones. Defining benchmarks for true status assessments is a complex process that requires inclusive discussion with all partners to understand their priorities, risk thresholds, and conservation targets.
Multiple metrics and indicators will also need to be weighted and integrated to determine overall status, requiring the consensus of scientists and LEK/TEK holders (Fig. 1). When different metrics yield conflicting results, partners will be forced to consider the context, limitations, and biases of different knowledge sources to understand the discrepancies (Table 2). For example, conflicting outcomes may arise due to differences in the spatial scale or timing of sampling, or reflect changes in the ecology (e.g., migration patterns) of wildlife populations. This deeper understanding may not become clear until the knowledge is processed together within the framework.
Appropriate indicators are those that are sensitive and specific to changes in wildlife conservation status (Rice and Rochet 2005). Although local and targeted management actions may be taken in response to individual indicators, the cumulative and interactive effects of multiple indicators of health is likely more important for understanding population resilience and viability (Macbeth and Kutz 2018). Population-level studies that link indicators to changes in population size drawing on a combination of LEK, TEK, and SK are needed to understand potential interactions and predict the impact of future change.
In this paper, we focused on intrinsic factors that are indicative of individual and population health, but extrinsic factors are also important determinants of population health and trends. Extrinsic factors, both biotic (e.g., predator abundance) and abiotic (e.g., climatic events such as rain-on-snow), may be driving changes in intrinsic health indicators (e.g., nutrition and body condition) and population dynamics (e.g., mortality and reproduction). TEK inherently understands species on an ecosystem level with both extrinsic and intrinsic factors, and is, thus, naturally suited to informing such connections. Incorporating extrinsic indicators into status assessments using a similar approach that combines multiple knowledge types and data collection and documentation methods will further improve proactive wildlife management.
As climate change exerts increasing pressure on Arctic species, examples of shifts in behaviour and phenology are expected to increase (Beever et al. 2017; Pecl et al. 2017). Documenting LEK/TEK of wildlife health indicators and informing metrics with a combination of LEK, TEK, and SK can help ensure that health monitoring and conservation status assessments are timely and relevant in the face of rapid ecosystem change. Approaches such as those presented here can facilitate proactive co-management that helps to maintain healthy wildlife and healthy communities in the Arctic.
We thank the communities of Kugluktuk, Cambridge Bay, and Ulukhaktok — particularly the many harvesters and residents we have worked with — for their continued support and active collaboration in our collective research. We thank partners from the Government of Nunavut (in particular Lisa-Marie Leclerc) and the Government of Northwest Territories who have supported community-based monitoring in Kugluktuk, Cambridge Bay, and Ulukhaktok over the years and partners from the Government of Northwest Territories who provided constructive feedback on an earlier draft of this manuscript (Tracy Davison, Jan Adamczewski, Marsha Branigan, and Brett Elkin). Funding for this research came from Polar Knowledge Canada (project NST-1718-0015), Shikar Foundation and Canada North Outfitting (1052116), Environment and Climate Change Canada (GXE20C347), Irving Maritime Shipbuilding (project 1041735), and a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) postdoctoral fellowship to S.J.P. We gratefully acknowledge the feedback from two anonymous reviewers who helped improve the manuscript.
Quyagiyavut tapkuat nunaliuyut Kugluktuk, Ikaluktutiak, tamnalu Ulukhaktok — piniqhamik tahapkuat amihut angunahuaqtit nunaliuyutlu havaqatigihimayavut — tapkuat ikayuqtuinginnaqninut hulinitlu havaqatigikni tamaitnut naunaiyaqtavut. Quyagiyavut katutyiqatigit tapkunanga Nunavut Kavamatkut (piniqhamik Lisa-Marie Leclerc) tamna ikayuqtuiyuq nunalikningaqtut munaqhinit talvani Kugluktuk tamnalu Ikaluktutiak tahapkunani ukiuni katutyiqatitlu tapkunanga Kavamatkut Nunatsiaq piqaqtitiyut haavgutittiaqnik uqautyivaknit atulihaqtitlugu uuktut uumunga titiqanut (Tracy Davison, Jan Adamczewski, Marsha Branigan, tamnalu Brett Elkin). Maniktakhat uumunga naunaiyainiq talvangaqtut Ukiuqtaqtulirinikkut Qauyimaniq Kanata (havanguyuq NST-1718-0015) tamnalu NSERC kinguagut taktinguqhaut titiqat maniktaqvia taphumunga S.J.P. Quyaqpiaqhuta quyagiyavut uqauhiqaqviuyut malruknit taiyaungittuk naunaiyaiyik ikayuqtut nakuuhivalliqni tapkuat titiraqnit.
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Information & Authors
Published In
Arctic Science
Volume 6 • Number 3 • September 2020
Pages: 247 - 266
Received: 30 August 2019
Accepted: 14 July 2020
Accepted manuscript online: 15 July 2020
Version of record online: 15 July 2020
This paper is part of a Special Issue entitled: Knowledge Mobilization on Co-Management, Co-Production of Knowledge, and Community-Based Monitoring to Support Effective Wildlife Resource Decision Making and Inuit Self-Determination. This Special Issue was financially supported by ArcticNet.
© 2020 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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A practical guide to including traditional knowledge in wildlife co-management
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Cite As
Stephanie J.Peacock, FabienMavrot, MatildeTomaselli, AndreaHanke, HeatherFenton, RoseminNathoo, Oscar AlejandroAleuy, JulietteDi Francesco, Xavier FernandezAguilar, NaimaJutha, PratapKafle, JesperMosbacher, AnnieGoose, Ekaluktutiak Hunters and Trappers Organization, Kugluktuk Angoniatit Association, Olokhaktomiut Hunters and Trappers Committee, and Susan J.Kutz. 2020. Linking co-monitoring to co-management: bringing together local, traditional, and scientific knowledge in a wildlife status assessment framework. Arctic Science.
6(3): 247-266.
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Cited by
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5. State of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the wildlife management profession
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7. Connecting community-based monitoring to Arctic environmental decision-making and governance: A systematic scoping review of the literature
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14. An integrative and multi-indicator approach for wildlife health applied to an endangered caribou herd
15. Rich local knowledge despite high transience in an Arctic community experiencing rapid environmental change
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21. Towards more inclusive and solution orientated community-based environmental monitoring
22. Equal use of Indigenous and scientific knowledge in species assessments: A case study from the Northwest Territories, Canada
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26. Coastal marine biodiversity in the western Canadian Arctic
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28. A Review of Northern Fur Seal (Callorhinus ursinus) Literature to Direct Future Health Monitoring Initiatives
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31. Participatory Epidemiology and Surveillance for Wildlife Health
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