Cited by
1. Short bouts and long-term exercise reduce sedentary-induced bone loss and microstructural changes by modulating bone formation and resorption in healthy young male rats
2. The association between circulating irisin, osteocalcin and FGF21 levels with anthropometric characteristics and blood lipid profile in young obese male subjects
3. Comparison of working memory performance in athletes and non-athletes: a meta-analysis of behavioural studies
4. Free-Living Muscle Activity in Type 2 Diabetes: Sitting, Standing and Walking
5. Exploring the interplay of stress, recovery, and physical activity among teachers, nursing staff, and ICT workers: a comparative study
6. Sedentary Behavior and Its Association With Psychological Well-Being and Sleep Quality in Adolescents: Evidence from a Propensity Score Analysis
7. The Impact of Sit-Stand Desks on Full-Day and Work-Based Sedentary Behavior of Office Workers: A Systematic Review
8. Using Wearable Technology to Objectively Investigate Physical Behaviour and Determine Health Outcomes of a Physical Activity Intervention in Patients with Psoriasis
9. Synergistic effects of COVID-19 pandemic and sedentary lifestyles on obesity rates among South Korean adults
10. The prevalence of sedentary behavior among university students in Saudi Arabia
11. Patterns of sedentary behavior among older women with urinary incontinence and urinary symptoms: a scoping review
12. Sitting foot: posture dependent changes of volume, edema and perfusion of the foot. A prospective interventional study with 27 volunteers
13. Intelligent systems for sitting posture monitoring and anomaly detection: an overview
14. A Contactless Real-Time System to Classify Multi-Class Sitting Posture Using Depth Sensor-Based Data
15. Getting up for brain health: Association of sedentary behavior breaks with cognition and mental health in children
16. Towards precision 24-hour movement behavior recommendations—The next new paradigm?
17. Joint Association of Change in Physical Activity and Sitting Time with Metabolic Syndrome Risk: A Prospective Cohort Study
18. The Effectiveness of Ergonomic Training Interventions Based on the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model on Musculoskeletal Disorders and Stress in Surgical Technologists: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
19. Does reducing smartphone use impact physical activity?
20. The accumulation of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in children with cerebral palsy and their typically developing peers aged 6–12 years
21. Effect of melatonin supplementation on exercise-induced alterations in haematological parameters and liver function markers in sedentary young men of Kolkata, India
22. Increasing motivation in social exercise games: personalising gamification elements to player type
23. AB0 and Rh Blood Groups as a Predictors of Infarct Etiology in Ischemic Stroke: Insights from a Retrospective Analysis
24. Can physical activity counteract the negative effects of sedentary behavior on the physical and mental health of children and adolescents? A narrative review
25. Accumulated HIIT inhibits anxiety and depression, improves cognitive function, and memory-related proteins in the hippocampus of aged rats
26. Evolution of research related to how a sedentary lifestyle influences the aging process: a bibliometric review
27. Social Exergames in Health and Wellness: A Systematic Review of Trends, Effectiveness, Challenges, and Directions for Future Research
28. The use of Latent Class Analysis (LCA) to Assess Children’s Movement Behaviours Measured by Accelerometer and Self-report
29. Sociodemographic determinants of sedentary behavior and physical activity assessed by triaxial accelerometry in Brazilian adults diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes
30. Effects of step aerobic exercises on rhythm skill and static balance
31. Disrupting the melody: The interplay of obesity and metabolic dysfunction
32. AI on Loss in Decision-Making and Its Associations With Digital Disorder, Socio-Demographics, and Physical Health Outcomes in Iran
33. Developing a Computational Representation of Human Physical Activity and Exercise Using Open Ontology-Based Approach: A Tai Chi Use Case
34. Exercise Responses During Outdoor Versus Virtual Reality Indoor Arm+FES-Leg Cycling in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
35. Temporal relationships in the movement behaviour of adolescents: Testing and methodological considerations of the ActivityStat hypothesis
36. Telecoaching: a potential new training model for Charcot-Marie-Tooth patients: a systematic review
37. Association between meeting 24-h movement guidelines and health in children and adolescents aged 5–17 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis
38. Effects of lifestyle and associated diseases on serum CC16 suggest complex interactions among metabolism, heart and lungs
39. Missed Opportunities for Middle Childhood: Less Sport Predicts Increased Risk for Shyness in Millennial Girls with Preschool Access to Bedroom Television
40. Association Between Typologies of Sedentary Behavior and Muscle Strength, Gait Speed, and Balance in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
41. Exercise Prescription for Postprandial Glycemic Management
42. Trends of physical activity and sedentary behaviours among secondary school students in Singapore: what has changed in 15 years?
43. Ethics of generative AI and manipulation: a design-oriented research agenda
44. Sedentary Behaviors and Eating Habits in Active and Inactive Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Population from Southern Italy
45. Association of Changes in Sitting Time with the Risk of Developing Diabetes: A Community-Based Cohort Study
46. From click to calories: Navigating the impact of food delivery apps on obesity
47. Association of physical behaviours with sarcopenia in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
48. Accelerometer-assessed sleep and decline in physical function in older men
49. Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Children and Adolescents: Recommendations and Health Impacts
50. Esports Athletes on a Team or Club Are More Physically Active and Less Sedentary Than Equally Experienced, Casual Video Gamers
51. Impacts of obesity and obesogenic behaviours on climate change: a systematic review protocol
52. Prevalence and correlates of excessive sitting among women in an Indian population
53. Processing of Sedentary Time and Its Reference Equation in Patients with COPD
54. Association of Questionnaire-Based Physical Activity Analysis and Body Composition Dynamics in Type 2 Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Study
55. Effects of 10 Weeks of Walking With Mobile Step-Tracking Apps on Body Composition, Fitness, and Psychological State in Adolescents Who Are Overweight and Obese: Randomized Controlled Trial
56. Public policies to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior: a narrative synthesis of “reviews of reviews”
57. Probably the most active population in the world: accelerometer measurements of 72 school-children in Greenland
58. Beden Eğitimi Öğretmenlerinin Öz Yeterlik İnançları, Pedagojik Bilgi ve Becerileri ile Bedensel Okuryazarlıkları Arasındaki İlişki
59. Dose–response effects of resistance training on physical function in frail older Chinese adults: A randomized controlled trial
60. A smart walker based on a hybrid motion model and machine learning method
61. Measured vs estimated resting energy expenditure in children and adolescents with obesity
62. Validation of a modified visual analogue scale to measure user-perceived comfort of a lower-limb exoskeleton
63. Association of accelerometer-measured physical activity intensity, sedentary time, and exercise time with incident Parkinson’s disease
64. Validity and reliability of the Arabic sedentary behavior questionnaire among university students aged between 18–30 years old
65. Health decline in prison and the effects of sporting activity: results of the Hessian prison sports study
66. Continuous-time modeling of the multivariate relationships between physical activity levels and stationary time in preschool-aged children: an investigation of the ActivityStat hypothesis
67. Assisted Cycle Therapy (ACT) Improved Self-Efficacy and Exercise Perception in Middle-Age Adults with Down Syndrome
68. Associations between screen-time, physical activity and depressive symptoms differ based on gender and screen-time mode
69. Design-Led Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behavior in Young People
70. Tempo de televisão, obesidade e doenças cardiovasculares em idosos brasileiros: Pesquisas Nacionais de Saúde 2013 e 2019
71. Associations between sedentary behavior and health and the moderating role of physical activity in young people within a cross-sectional investigation
72. Physiology of sedentary behavior
73. Constructing socio-scientific issue literacy through comics in learning apperception for elementary school students
74. The relationship between children’s third-place play, parental neighbourhood perceptions, and children’s physical activity and sedentary behaviour
75. Relationship between the executive function of children and the duration of physical activity with the mediating role of alpha, beta and theta brainwaves
76. Exploring the role of brown algae and algal polyphenols in muscle hypertrophy and strength enhancement in physically inactive adult mice
77. Look into my eyes: What can eye-based measures tell us about the relationship between physical activity and cognitive performance?
78. Intervention to reduce sedentary behaviour and improve outcomes after stroke (Get Set Go): a study protocol for the process evaluation of a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial (RECREATE)
79. Editorial: The impact of sedentary behavior and virtual lifestyle on physical and mental wellbeing: social distancing from healthy living
80. Examining the link between exercise-specific relational processes and physical activity, psychological distress, and relationship satisfaction among heterosexual and gay male couples
81. Healthy lifestyles in pre-service teachers in Israel: the impact of academic institutions
82. Age and school-segment difference in daily sedentary behavior and physical activity among student (9–23 years): a cross-sectional accelerometer-based survey
83. Adherence to 24-h movement guidelines in Spanish schoolchildren and its association with insulin resistance: a cross-sectional study
84. The molecular athlete: exercise physiology from mechanisms to medals
85. Habitual Physical Activity of People with or at Risk of Diabetes-Related Foot Complications
86. Esports Gamers, Recreational Gamers, and the Active Couch Potato Lifestyle
87. The Influence of Joe Wicks on Physical Activity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Thematic, Location, and Social Network Analysis of X Data (Preprint)
88. Short bouts of walking attenuates the response of IL-8 to prolonged sitting in healthy adults
89. Effectiveness of Interventions Promoting Physical Activity and Reducing Sedentary Behavior in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: An Umbrella Review With Application to Saudi Arabia
90. Relación entre práctica de actividad física en el tiempo libre y rendimiento académico en alumnos(as) de 5° de Primaria a 4° de ESO
91. Double-layered health benefits: green space as a Third Place for everyday active mobility trips
92. The Influence of Perceptions of Competence on Motor Skills and Physical Activity in Middle Childhood: A Test of Mediation
93. Objective Measurement of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Points to Keep in Mind during Evaluations
94. REVEAL: REal and Virtual Environments Augmentation Lab @ Bath
95. Physical fitness mediates and predicts for high blood pressure among children in relation to weight status
96. The 24-Hour Movement Paradigm: An integrated approach to the measurement and promotion of daily activity in cancer clinical trials
97. Associations between socioeconomic status and screen time among children and adolescents in China: A cross-sectional study
98. A Wrinkle in Measuring Time Use for Cognitive Health: How should We Measure Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and Sleep?
99. Relationship between Skeletal Muscle Thickness and Physical Activity in 4- to 6-Year-Olds in Japan
100. Cross-Sectional Analysis of Family Factors Associated with Lifestyle Habits in a Sample of Italian Primary School Children: The I-MOVE Project
101. Clinical Impacts of Interventions for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior on Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
102. Effect of physical activity intervention on the musculoskeletal health of university student computer users during homestay
103. Resistance Training Guidelines for Active Females Throughout the Lifespan, from Childhood to Elderly
105. Evidence and Implementation of Physical Activity and Exercise in Diabetes Mellitus
106. Exercising Digitally: A Multi-Perspective Analysis of Exergames for Physical Activity and Health Promotion
107. Sedentary Behaviour and Psychosocial Health Across the Life Course
108. An Ecological Model for Understanding and Influencing Sedentary Behaviour
109. Physiological Responses to Sedentary Behaviour
110. Development and Prospect of Isotemporal Substitution Model in Physical Activity Research: A Narrative Review
111. Sedentary behavior and the biological hallmarks of aging
112. Associations between sedentary behavior and negative emotions in adolescents during home confinement: Mediating role of social support and sleep quality
113. Physical Inactivity is Associated with Job Burnout in Health Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic
114. Relationship between Children’s Lifestyle and Fear during Dental Visits: A Cross-Sectional Study
115. Association between Sedentary Behavior during Leisure Time and Excessive Weight in Chinese Children, Adolescents, and Adults
116. Integration of Time-Based Recommendations with Current Pediatric Health Behavior Guidelines: Implications for Obesity Prevention and Treatment in Youth
117. Changes in eating habits, sleep, and physical activity during coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic: A longitudinal study in young Brazilian adult males
118. Perceptions of practising physiotherapists in Saudi Arabia about their role in the health promotion of patients with musculoskeletal conditions: a qualitative study
119. Comparison of bone mineral density according to domains of sedentary behavior in children and adolescents
120. The degree of consistency of applying parental dietary and sedentary behavior rules as indicators for overweight in children: a cross-sectional study
121. A qualitative study on multisector activities to prevent childhood obesity in the municipality of Seinäjoki, Finland
122. Mental and physical health and well-being of Canadian employees who were working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic
123. Sedentary lifestyle and body composition in type 2 diabetes
124. Are Esports Players Inactive? A Systematic Review
125. Religious fasting and its impacts on individual, public, and planetary health: Fasting as a “religious health asset” for a healthier, more equitable, and sustainable society
126. Relationship of Objectively Measured Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior and Sleep Time with Cardiovascular and Mtabolic Outcomes in Adolescents (A Pilot Study): ABCD Growth Study
127. Caractéristiques des douleurs thoraciques au cours des syndromes coronariens aigus vus au service de cardiologie de Befelatanana (Madagascar)
128. Better Forests, Better Cities
129. Association of daily and time-segmented physical activity and sedentary behaviour with mental health of school children and adolescents from rural Northeastern Ontario, Canada
130. Understanding prolonged sedentary behavior contexts among office workers as Input for Digital Technology-Empowered Physical Activity Interventions Design
131. TV time, physical activity, sedentary behaviour and cardiometabolic biomarkers in pregnancy—NHANES 2003–2006
132. Seasonal Differences in Physiological Responses to Walking in Urban Parks
133. The efficacy and safety of Codonopsis lanceolata water extract for sarcopenia: A study protocol for randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
134. Operationalization, measurement, and health indicators of sedentary behavior in individuals with cerebral palsy: a scoping review
135. Association of High Blood Pressure With Physical Activity, Screen-Based Sedentary Time, and Sedentary Breaks in a 2-Year Cohort of Community Dwelling Adults
136. Does light-intensity physical activity moderate the relationship between sitting time and adiposity markers in adolescents?
137. Predictors of Smartphone Addiction and Social Isolation among Jordanian Children and Adolescents Using SEM and ML
138. Machine Learning for Prediction of Cognitive Health in Adults Using Sociodemographic, Neighbourhood Environmental, and Lifestyle Factors
139. Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease
140. Unsupervised Classification of Human Activity with Hidden Semi-Markov Models
141. Flexibility Versus Routineness in Multimodal Health Indicators: A Sensor-based Longitudinal in Situ Study of Information Workers
142. Are there sex differences in energy expenditure and enjoyment in older adults playing active video games?
143. The Temporal Relationships Between 24-h Movement Behaviors Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
144. Predictive modeling and cognition to cardio-vascular reactivity through machine learning in Indian adults with sedentary and physically active lifestyle
145. The Association Between Binge-Watching Behavior and Psychological Problems Among Adolescents
146. An Arabic Sedentary Behaviors Questionnaire (ASBQ): Development, Content Validation, and Pre-Testing Findings
147. Physical Activity and Cognition in Sedentary Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
148. Validity Evaluation of the College Student Physical Literacy Questionnaire
149. Prospective Analyses of Sedentary Behavior in Relation to Risk of Ovarian Cancer
150. In-classroom effects of classroom-based interventions to reduce sedentary behavior and improve spinal health in primary school children: A systematic review (Preprint)
151. The Relationship between F2-Isoprostanes Plasma Levels and Depression Symptoms in Healthy Older Adults
152. Status of Sedentary Time and Physical Activity of Rural Residents: A Cross-Sectional Population-Based Study in Eastern China
153. Behavioral Ethics Ecologies of Human-Artificial Intelligence Systems
154. Quantifying the Effect of Monitor Wear Time and Monitor Type on the Estimate of Sedentary Time in People with COPD: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
155. Prevalence and Associated Factors of Depression, Anxiety and Insomnia Symptoms Among Patients Receiving Ophthalmic Consultation Online During the COVID-2019 Pandemic
156. Affective and Enjoyment Responses to Sprint Interval Training in Healthy Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
157. Association between Sedentary Time and 6-Year All-Cause Mortality in Adults: The Rural Chinese Cohort Study
158. Introduction to Pre-operative Exercise Prescription and Physical Activity Promotion for Clinicians and Exercise Professionals
159. Physical fitness changes induced by thermal aquatic standardized exercise in chronic venous disease patients
160. Physical Activity Experiences of South Asian Migrant Women in Western Australia: Implications for Intervention Development
161. “It needs to be the right blend”: a qualitative exploration of remote e-workers’ experience and well-being at work
162. Does the gut microbiota contribute to the antiobesity effect of exercise? A systematic review and meta‐analysis
163. Moderate-intensity continuous training and high-intensity interval training improve cognition, and BDNF levels of middle-aged overweight men
164. How Europeans move: a moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and sitting time paradox in the European Union
165. Daily sitting time and its association with non-communicable diseases and multimorbidity in Catalonia
166. The Influence of Sitting, Standing, and Stepping Bouts on Cardiometabolic Health Markers in Older Adults
167. The Impact of Physical Exercise on the Hippocampus in Physiological Condition and Ageing-Related Decline: Current Evidence from Animal and Human Studies
168. The COVID-19 Pandemic Lowers Active Behavior of Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases, Healthy Peoples and Athletes
169. Compliance with Health-Related Behaviors Guidelines and Its Relationship with Multiple Factors in Preschool Children Aged 3–6 Years: A National Cross-Sectional Survey in China
170. Sport and physical activity participation in the workplace: the role of employees' self-perception
171. Physical Activity and Prevention of Chronic Non-communicable Diseases
172. Bewegung und Sport beim adipösen Kind und Jugendlichen
173. Employment of selective pharmacologically active natural compounds in treatment and management of osteoporosis
174. Supporting Behavior Change in Sedentary Adults via Real-time Multidimensional Physical Activity Feedback: Mixed Methods Randomized Controlled Trial
175. Movement as Medicine for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Pilot Feasibility Study of a Physical Activity Promotion Intervention for At-Risk Patients in Primary Care
176. Patterns of Physical Activity Among University Students and Their Perceptions About the Curricular Content Concerned With Health: Cross-sectional Study
177. The Effect of Classroom-Based Interventions on Sedentary Behavior and Spinal Health in Schoolchildren: Systematic Review
178. Age and Sex-Related Associations between Marital Status, Physical Activity and TV Time
179. Living through the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact and Lessons on Dietary Behavior and Physical Well-Being
180. Anthropometric Measurements, Sociodemographics, and Lifestyle Behaviors among Saudi Adolescents Living in Riyadh Relative to Sex and Activity Energy Expenditure: Findings from the Arab Teens Lifestyle Study 2 (ATLS-2)
181. Pressure Sensor Substrate for Prolonged Sitting and Posture Monitoring
182. Prospective associations between sedentary behavior and physical activity in adolescence and sleep duration in adulthood
183. Characteristics of Canadian Youth Adhering to Physical Activity and Screen Time Recommendations
184. Household physical activity is positively associated with gray matter volume in older adults
185. Associations between physical function and device-based measures of physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns in older adults: moving beyond moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity
186. Association between sedentary time and sleep quality based on the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index among South Korean adults
187. Work-related factors predict changes in physical activity among nurses participating in a web-based worksite intervention: A randomized controlled trial
188. Relationships between Physical Activity, Work Ability, Absenteeism and Presenteeism in Australian and New Zealand Adults during COVID-19
189. Lifestyle Modification Using a Wearable Biometric Ring and Guided Feedback Improve Sleep and Exercise Behaviors: A 12-Month Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study
190. Quantitative assessment of sitting time in ambulant adults with Muscular Dystrophy
191. Social and Physical Context Moderates Older Adults’ Affective Responses to Sedentary Behavior: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study
192. The GoodHope Exercise and Rehabilitation (GEAR) Program for People With Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes and Generalized Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders
193. Nivel de actividad física y alteraciones posturales de la columna vertebral asociados a la jornada laboral en administrativos universitarios: estudio transversal
194. Global and Leisure-Time Physical Activity Levels Among People Living With HIV on Antiretroviral Therapy in Burundi: A Cross-sectional Study
195. Smartphone Use Predicts Being an “Active Couch Potato” in Sufficiently Active Adults
196. Lifestyle Transition towards Sedentary Behavior among Children and Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Narrative Review
197. Proper sit–stand work schedule to reduce the negative outcomes of sedentary behavior: a randomized clinical trial
198. Self-System Mediates the Effect of Physical Activity on Students’ Anxiety: A study from Canada
199. Functional connectivity of key resting state networks and objectively measured physical activity in older adults with joint pain: A pilot study
200. Proneurogenic and neuroprotective effect of a multi strain probiotic mixture in a mouse model of acute inflammation: Involvement of the gut-brain axis
201. Physical exercise consequences on memory in obesity: A systematic review
202. Obesity, Lifestyle Behaviors, and Dietary Habits of Saudi Adolescents Living in Riyadh (ATLS-2 Project): Revisited after a Ten-Year Period
203. Unhealthy Diet Is Associated With Poor Sleep in Preschool-Aged Children
204. Active commuting to work or school: Associations with subjective well-being and work-life balance
205. The COVID-19 Pandemic Strain: Teleworking and Health Behavior Changes in the Portuguese Context
206. A Short, Multimodal Activity Break Incorporated Into the Learning Context During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Effects of Physical Activity and Positive Expressive Writing on University Students' Mental Health—Results and Recommendations From a Pilot Study
207. Perfectionism, Self-Esteem, and the Will to Win Among Adolescent Athletes: The Effects of the Level of Achievements and Gender
208. Biopsychosocial Functions of Human Walking and Adherence to Behaviourally Demanding Belief Systems: A Narrative Review
209. Sedentary behaviour and bone health in older adults: a systematic review
210. Sedentary behaviour in relation to ovarian cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis
211. Assessing Physical Activity Achievement by using Transit
212. Relationship between Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Anthropometric Measurements among Saudi Female Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study
213. Systematic Review of the Relationships between 24-Hour Movement Behaviours and Health Indicators in School-Aged Children from Arab-Speaking Countries
214. Sedentary behaviour is an independent predictor of diabetic foot ulcer development: An 8-year prospective study
215. Rôle et pratique de l’activité physique chez l’adolescent obèse
216. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health, wellbeing, and access to services of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
218. An Exploration of Sedentary Behavior Patterns in Community-Dwelling People With Stroke: A Cluster-Based Analysis
219. Impact of Activity Monitoring on Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Body Weight during the COVID-19 Pandemic
220. Patterns of physical activity among the students of an Indian university and their perceptions about the curricular content concerned with health
221. Behavioral Risk Factors and Risk of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer: Review of the Mechanistic and Observational Evidence
222. Skeletal muscle channelopathies: a guide to diagnosis and management
223. Sociodemographic Correlates of Parental Co-Participation in Digital Media Use and Physical Play of Preschool-Age Children
224. The Negative Impacts of COVID-19 Containment Measures on South African Families - Overview and Recommendations
225. Using Heuristic Evaluation in Immersive Virtual Reality Evaluation
226. Effets de l’activité physique et de la diminution des comportements sédentaires chez la femme ménopausée. RPC Les femmes ménopausées du CNGOF et du GEMVi
227. Stress, physical activity, and screen‐related sedentary behaviour within the first month of the COVID‐19 pandemic
228. Validity of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire Long Form for Assessing Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Subjects with Chronic Stroke
229. A reconciling hypothesis centred on brain-derived neurotrophic factor to explain neuropsychiatric manifestations in rheumatoid arthritis
230. Sedentary time among undergraduate students: A systematic review
231. A Tailored Domain-specific Intervention Using Contextual Information about Sedentary Behavior to Reduce Sedentary Time: A Bayesian Approach
232. Comparison of the physical and mental health problems of unemployed with employees in South Korea
233. A Systematic Literature Review of Physical Activity-Based Health Programs for Indigenous Women: Impacts on Physical Activity Levels, Obesity, and Community Building
235. Movement as Medicine for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Pilot Feasibility Study of a Physical Activity Promotion Intervention for At-Risk Patients in Primary Care (Preprint)
236. The relationship between community participation and physical activity among individuals with serious mental illnesses
237. An Active Lifestyle Is Associated with Better Cognitive Function Over Time in
ɛ4 Non-Carriers
238. The Potential of Prehabilitation in Radical Cystectomy Pathways: Where Are We Now?
239. Relationship Between Daily Sedentary Behaviors and Metabolic Syndrome in Middle-Aged Adults: Results from a Health Survey in Taean-Gun, Republic of Korea
240. Exercise–Linked Irisin: Consequences on Mental and Cardiovascular Health in Type 2 Diabetes
241. Impaired exercise capacity in electrostatic polyester powder paint workers
242. Patterning of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior at and Away from School in Preadolescent Children
243. Goalkeeper: A Zero-Sum Exergame for Motivating Physical Activity
244. Assessment of Structure, Function, and Rhythm of the Heart with Echocardiography and Electrocardiography in Adolescent Swimmers
245. Mesures de l'activité physique et de la sédentarité
246. Daily moderate-intensity physical activities and optimism promote healthy ageing in rural northern Sweden: a cross-sectional study.
247. Effects of Living Alone and Sedentary Behavior on Quality of Life in Patients With Multimorbidities: A Secondary Analysis of Cross-Sectional Survey Data Obtained From the National Community Database
248. Leisure Sedentary Behavior Levels and Meeting Program Goals in a Community Lifestyle Intervention for Diabetes Prevention
249. Sedentary Behaviour among Urban Civil Servants in Eastern Part of Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Region, Ethiopia
250. Sedentary Behavior Counseling Intervention in Aging People With Type 2 Diabetes: A Feasibility Study
251. Influence of Parenting Style on Body Mass Index, Physical Activity, and Sedentary Time
252. Development and evaluation of the sedentary behavior and light-intensity physical activity questionnaire
253. Perception of musculoskeletal pain in the state of confinement: associated factors
254. Sedentary behavior in children and adolescents: an update of the systematic review of the Brazil’s Report Card
255. Trends in sociodemographic and lifestyle factors associated with sedentary behavior among Brazilian adults
256. Physical Inactivity as a Pandemic: Daily Activities and Dietary Practices
257. Is Being Physically Active Enough to Be Metabolically Healthy? The Key Role of Sedentary Behavior
258. Emergency Care Education in South Africa and the Unique Requirement of Physical Preparedness: A Scoping Review
259. Pohybová aktivita, sedavé chování a obezita rodičů a jejich dětí
260. Eating habits and antifat attitudes among adolescent: West Serbian experience
261. A comprehensive description of sitting time in Brazilian adults: a population-based study
262. Technology Use in Young Adult Marital Relationships: A Case Study Approach
263. A 3D Computer Vision-Guided Robotic Companion for Non-Contact Human Assistance and Rehabilitation
264. Association of screen time and cardiometabolic risk in school-aged children
265. Parent anxiety and perceptions of their child’s physical activity and sedentary behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada
266. Association between sedentary behavior and the risk of dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
267. Are sedentary behavior and physical activity independently associated with cardiometabolic benefits? The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos
268. Psychological symptoms are associated with screen and exercise time: a cross-sectional study of Chinese adolescents
269. Unrestricted prevalence of sedentary behaviors from early childhood
270. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between physical activity, sedentary behaviour and bone stiffness index across weight status in European children and adolescents
271. Will-to-Win, Self-Esteem, and Dispositional Flow State among adolescent athletes in India - a path analysis and comparisons by gender and level of achievement
272. Physical Activity in the Prevention of Childhood Obesity: The Position of the European Childhood Obesity Group and the European Academy of Pediatrics
273. Player Matching for Social Exergame Retention
274. Chest Wall Mobility: Identification of Underlying Predictors
275. The impact of digital technology development on sitting time across Europe
276. Brain activity during a working memory task in different postures: an EEG study
277. Test–Retest Reliability of activPAL in Measuring Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity in People With Type 2 Diabetes
278. Sedentary Patterns Are Associated with Bone Mineral Density and Physical Function in Older Adults: Cross-Sectional and Prospective Data
279. Sleep Duration, Sleep Quality and Physical Activity, but Not Sedentary Behaviour, Are Associated with Positive Mental Health in a Multi-Ethnic Asian Population: A Cross-Sectional Evaluation
280. Data Reproducibility and Effectiveness of Bronchodilators for Improving Physical Activity in COPD Patients
281. A systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions to reduce sedentary behavior among older adults
282. A systematic review of compositional data analysis studies examining associations between sleep, sedentary behaviour, and physical activity with health outcomes in adults1
283. Complete mental health status and associations with physical activity, screen time, and sleep in youth
284. Systematic review on retinal microvasculature, physical activity, sedentary behaviour and adiposity in children and adolescents
285. The Relationship between Leisure-Time Sedentary Behaviors and Metabolic Risks in Middle-Aged Chinese Women
286. Efectos de un programa de ejercicio físico sobre variables bioquímicas y antropométricas en mujeres sedentarias de 20 a 40 años de una universidad de Armenia, Colombia, 2017
287. Objectively measured sedentary behaviour in overweight and obese prepubertal children: challenging the school
288. Perspectives and Impact of a Parent-Child Intervention on Dietary Intake and Physical Activity Behaviours, Parental Motivation, and Parental Body Composition: A Randomized Controlled Trial
289. A magyarországi fizikai inaktivitási terhek alakulásának összehasonlító elemzése, 2009–2017
291. COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown: cause of sleep disruption, depression, somatic pain, and increased screen exposure of office workers and students of India
292. Comparative analysis of the economic burdens of physical inactivity in Hungary between 2005 and 2017
293. Comparison of the effect of resistance training on the body compositions of different women groups: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
294. Health Reform Implementation Analysis: A Guide to Policy Development for Geriatric Care Planning, Integration and Evaluation
295. The relationship between fitness app use and physical activity behavior is mediated by exercise identity
296. Leisure Choices and Employee Well‐Being: Comparing Need Fulfillment and Well‐Being during TV and Other Leisure Activities
297. Activity Accumulation and Cardiometabolic Risk in Youth: A Latent Profile Approach
298. Sedentariness and Physical Activity during School Recess Are Associated with VO2Peak
299. Energy System Contributions and Physical Activity in Specific Age Groups during Exergames
300. Comparison of energy expenditure of tasks in standing and sitting in adolescent girls
301. Ergonomics in the operating room: it doesn’t hurt to think about it, but it may hurt not to!
302. Aligning human psychomotor characteristics with robots, exoskeletons and augmented reality
303. It is Time to Have Rest: How do Break Types Affect Muscular Activity and Perceived Discomfort During Prolonged Sitting Work
304. Single Triaxial Accelerometer-Gyroscope Classification for Human Activity Recognition
305. Biopsychosocial correlates of physical activity and sedentary time in adults with severe obesity
306. Association between physical activity and risk of hospitalisation in bronchiectasis
307. Life within a limited radius: Investigating activity space in women with a history of child abuse using global positioning system tracking
308. Sleep duration and physical function in people with severe obesity: a prospective cross-sectional study
309. Lifestyle-related factors differentiating the prevalence of otorhinolaryngological diseases among 6–17-year-olds from Wrocław, Poland
310. Proportion of Japanese primary school children meeting recommendations for 24-h movement guidelines and associations with weight status
311. Physical activity rather than sedentary behaviour is socially determined in French adolescents with overweight and obesity
312. Physical activity, sedentary behaviour and their associations with cardiovascular risk in systemic lupus erythematosus
313. Higher levels of daily physical activity are associated with better skin microvascular function in type 2 diabetes—The Maastricht Study
314. Sit–stand desks to reduce sedentary behaviour in 9- to 10-year-olds: the Stand Out in Class pilot cluster RCT
315. Association of Sedentary Behavior and Depression among College Students Majoring in Design
316. Cluster Analysis of Physical Activity Patterns, and Relationship with Sedentary Behavior and Healthy Lifestyles in Prepubertal Children: Genobox Cohort
317. Race Yourselves: A Longitudinal Exploration of Self-Competition Between Past, Present, and Future Performances in a VR Exergame
318. Academic Schedule and Day-to-Day Variations in Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity of University Students
319. Systematic Review on the Associations between Objectively Measured Breaks in Sitting Time and Cardiovascular Health in Youth
320. Effect of different operationalizations of sedentary behavior in people with chronic stroke
321. Hours lying down per day, as a proxy for sedentary behaviour and risk of diabetes in young and middle-aged adults in Norway: an 11-year follow-up of the HUNT study
322. Sedentary Time and Physical Activity Across Occupational Classifications
323. Patterns of Objectively and Self-Reported Sedentary Behavior in Children and Adolescents Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: The PositHIVe Health Study
324. Automatic body mass index detection using correlation of face visual cues
325. Physical Activity, Exercise, and Physiotherapy in Parkinson's Disease: Defining the Concepts
326. Measuring group and individual relationship between patterns in sedentary behaviour and glucose in type 2 diabetes adults
327. Non-exercise Behavior
328. Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Influences on Executive Function in Daily Living
329. Non-exercise Behavior
330. Introduction to Agile Working and Well-Being in the Digital Age
331. A Review of the Agile Working Literature in Relation to Five Facets of Well-Being
332. Use of Compositional Data Analysis to Show Estimated Changes in Cardiometabolic Health by Reallocating Time to Light-Intensity Physical Activity in Older Adults
333. Is sitting time leading to mobility decline in long-term care residents?
334. Self-health monitoring and wearable neurotechnologies
335. Impact of a low-cost standing desk on reducing workplace sitting (StandUP UBC): A randomised controlled trial
336. Introducing 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years: A New Paradigm Gaining Momentum
337. Pattern measures of sedentary behaviour in adults: A literature review
338. Sedentary behavior and health outcomes in older adults: A systematic review
339. Viticulture As The Optional Physical Activity For Elderly
340. Evaluating the effectiveness of implementation intentions in a pedometer worksite intervention
341. Mortality in COPD: Comparison of Different Predictors in Patients Seeking a Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program
342. College student television binge watching: Conceptualization, gratifications, and perceived consequences
343. Active children are less adipose and insulin resistant in early adolescence; evidence from the Mysore Parthenon Cohort
344. Sedentary behaviors and anxiety among children, adolescents and adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
345. Increasing socioeconomic disparities in sedentary behaviors in Chinese children
346. The association between elderly people’s sedentary behaviors and their health-related quality of life: focusing on comparing the young-old and the old-old
347. Understanding glycaemic control and current approaches for screening antidiabetic natural products from evidence-based medicinal plants
348. Association of objective sedentary behaviour and self-rated health in English older adults
349. Return to Everyday Activity in the Community and Home: a feasibility study for a lifestyle intervention to sit less, move more, and be strong
350. Effects of isotemporal substitution of sedentary behavior with light-intensity or moderate-to-vigorous physical activity on cardiometabolic markers in male adolescents
351. Lifestyle, appearance satisfaction and depressive symptoms in 13–16 years old Norwegian adolescents – A cross-sectional study
352. Association of objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behavior with bone stiffness in peripubertal children
353. A single session of high-intensity interval exercise increases antioxidants defenses in the hippocampus of Wistar rats
354. Screen Time and Cardiovascular Risks Among Middle-Aged Women
355. The Relationship between Lifestyle Factors and Obesity Indices among Adolescents in Qatar
356. Health Education and Lifestyles in the Czech Republic
357. Autorreporte de enfermedades y patrón alimentario de adultos ≥ 50 años sedentarios vs. físicamente activos
358. The Development and Evaluation of a Participant Led Physical Activity Intervention for People with Disabilities Who Intend to Become More Active
359. Activity monitors for increasing physical activity in adult stroke survivors
360. Predicting exercise capacity recovery immediately after mitral valve surgery
361. Anxiety Disorders and Exercise: The Role for Health and Fitness Professionals
362. Prevention of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in Children
363. Standing Desks in a Grade 4 Classroom over the Full School Year
364. Widening access to writing support: beliefs about the writing process are key
365. Accelerometry-measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour of preschoolers in Nova Scotia, Canada
366. Sitting Time and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
367. The Acute Effect of High-Intensity Exercise on Executive Function: A Meta-Analysis
368. Move-It: A Cluster-Randomised Digital Worksite Exercise Intervention in China: Outcome and Process Evaluation
369. Carotenoids: updates on legal statutory and competence for nutraceutical properties
370. Parents’ Lifestyle, Sedentary Behavior, and Physical Activity in Their Children: A Cross-Sectional Study in Brazil
371. Validation of Sedentary Behavior Record Instrument as a Measure of Contextual Information of Sedentary Behavior
372. Physical Activity and Quality of Life of Healthy Children and Patients with Hematological Cancers
373. Effects of Sedentary Behaviors on Stress and Suicidal Ideation: Occupation-Based Differences
374. Screen time evaluation, association with obesity, and cardiorespiratory fitness among children aged 10–12 years
375. The nature and extent of healthy architecture: the current state of progress
376. Identifying factors associated with sedentary time after stroke. Secondary analysis of pooled data from nine primary studies.
377. Targeting Early Atherosclerosis: A Focus on Oxidative Stress and Inflammation
378. The impact of physical activity and sedentary behaviors on frailty levels
379. The effects of physical activity on sleep quality, job satisfaction, and quality of life in office workers
380. Physical activity in women of reproductive age in a transitioning rural Polish population
381. Bidirectional relationship of stress and affect with physical activity and healthy eating
382. Evaluating the Acceptability of Low-Cost Standing Desks in the Home Environment: An Exploratory Study
383. A controlled study analyzing the temporal activity patterns of individuals with stroke compared to healthy adults
384. Perceptions and measurement of playtime physical activity in English primary school children: The influence of socioeconomic status
385. Influence of Habitual Physical Behavior – Sleeping, Sedentarism, Physical Activity – On Bone Health in Community-Dwelling Older People
386. Effect of university students’ sedentary behavior on stress, anxiety, and depression
387. Management of multiple sclerosis symptoms through reductions in sedentary behaviour: protocol for a feasibility study
388. Impact of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the veteran population: 10-year risk outcomes
389. Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Fiziksel Aktivite, Sedanter Süre ve Yaşam Kalitesi İlişkisinin Değerlendirilmesi
390. Convenience Behavior and Being Overweight in Adults: Development and Validation of the Convenience Behavior Questionnaire
391. Wireless non-invasive motion tracking of functional behavior
392. Prevalence of objectively measured sedentary behavior in early years: Systematic review and meta‐analysis
393. The effects of physical activity and sedentary time on the prevalence rate of metabolic syndrome and perceived stress in Korean adults
394. Body composition and its association with physical performance, quality of life, and clinical indicators in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: a pilot study
395. Too much sitting and dysglycemia: Mechanistic links and implications for obesity
396. Pattern of Sedentary Behavior in Different Periods of School Time of Brazilian Adolescents
397. Differences in micro-RNA expression profile between vastus lateralis samples and myotubes in COPD cachexia
398. Patterns of sedentary time and ambulatory physical activity in a Danish population of girls and women with Rett syndrome
399. Accuracy and Metrological Characteristics of Wearable Devices: A Systematic Review
400. Evidence and Implementation of Physical Activity and Exercise
401. When to Take a Break? Exploring the Role of Peers on Sedentary Office Workers’ Resting Behaviors
402. Sedentary Behaviors in Children and Adolescents: What Is the Influence on Bone Strength?
403. Medieval English Social Inequality and Bone Health: What Lessons are There to be Learnt for the Living?
404. Obesity and Sleep Disturbances
405. Promoting physical activity in rural Australian adults using an online intervention
406. A comparison of physical activity from Actigraph
3X+ accelerometers worn on the dominant and non‐dominant wrist
407. The Influence of Friends and Psychosocial Factors on Physical Activity and Screen Time in Normal and Overweight Adolescents: A Mixed-Methods Analysis
408. Cell phone use predicts being an “active couch potato”: results from a cross-sectional survey of sufficiently active college students
409. Efeito de uma intervenção sobre atividade física moderada a vigorosa e comportamento sedentário no tempo escolar de adolescentes
410. The association between physical activity, sedentary behavior and the occurrence of falls in asymptomatic adults over 40 years old
411. Digital Interventions to Reduce Sedentary Behaviors of Office Workers: Scoping Review
412. Understanding Youths’ Ability to Interpret 3D-Printed Physical Activity Data and Identify Associated Intensity Levels: Mixed-Methods Study
413. Longitudinal Changes in Sitting Patterns, Physical Activity, and Health Outcomes in Adolescents
414. Physical activity and sedentary behaviors in bariatric surgery patients: A scoping review
415. Motivational strategies and approaches for single and multi-player exergames: a social perspective
416. Food Cravings, Nutritional Status and Physical Activity in Patients with Major Depression in Turkey
417. Relationships between muscle size, strength, and physical activity in adults with muscular dystrophy
418. Exploring the health advantages and disadvantages of static and dynamic postures of Qigong and its use as a Traditional and Complementary Medicine
419. A systematic review of the association between sedentary behaviors with frailty
420. The associations of sedentary time and breaks in sedentary time with 24-hour glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes
421. Cause, consequence or coincidence: The relationship between psychiatric disease and metabolic syndrome
422. Trends and correlates of overweight/obesity in Czech adolescents in relation to family socioeconomic status over a 12-year study period (2002–2014)
423. Physical activity, sedentary time and sleep duration: associations with body composition in 10–12-year-old Estonian schoolchildren
424. Health-related parental indicators and their association with healthy weight and overweight/obese children’s physical activity
425. Can we improve cognitive function among adults with osteoarthritis by increasing moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour? Secondary analysis of the MONITOR-OA study
426. Physical inactivity and activity patterns among Taiwanese secondary students
427. Are adolescents really being sedentary or inactive when at school? An analysis of sedentary behaviour and physical activity bouts
428. Integrating sedentary behavior in the theoretical model linking childhood to adulthood activity and health? An updated framework
429. Revisiting the evolutionary origins of obesity: lazy versus peppy‐thrifty genotype hypothesis
430. Examining the ParticipACTION brand using the brand equity pyramid
431. Accelerometer-Derived Activity Phenotypes in Young Adults: a Latent Class Analysis
432. The Acute Metabolic and Vascular Impact of Interrupting Prolonged Sitting: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
433. Results of the Sedentary Intervention Trial in Cardiac Rehabilitation (SIT-CR Study): A pilot randomized controlled trial
434. Sedentary behavior and physical activity predicting depressive symptoms in adolescents beyond attributes of health-related physical fitness
435. Does as Little as Two Hours a Day of Television Viewing Increase the Risk of Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer?
436. Do highly physically active workers die early? A systematic review with meta-analysis of data from 193 696 participants
437. Can socioeconomic health differences be explained by physical activity at work and during leisure time? Rationale and protocol of the active worker individual participant meta-analysis
438. Refining the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy based on theory and factor analyses
439. Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy Second Edition: a streamlined assessment of the capacity for physical activity among children 8 to 12 years of age
440. The Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Patterns of Children in Kindergarten and Grade 2
441. The impact of height-adjustable desks and prompts to break-up classroom sitting on adolescents' energy expenditure, adiposity markers and perceived musculoskeletal discomfort
442. Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Inactivity in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
443. Associations of office workers’ objectively assessed occupational sitting, standing and stepping time with musculoskeletal symptoms
444. Associations between fruit and vegetable variety and low-grade inflammation in Portuguese adolescents from LabMed Physical Activity Study
445. Sedentary behaviour and risk of all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality, and incident type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and dose response meta-analysis
446. Replacing Sedentary Time: Meta-analysis of Objective-Assessment Studies
447. Brief Standing Desk Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behavior at a Physical Activity Conference in 2016
448. Investigation of Cardio Exercise's Effects on Body Perception and Life Satisfaction in Relation with Some Parameters
449. Joint Association of Screen Time and Physical Activity with Obesity: Findings from the Korea Media Panel Study
450. Associations between activity patterns and cardio-metabolic risk factors in children and adolescents: A systematic review
451. ‘Move it or lose it’: perceptions of the impact of physical activity on multiple sclerosis symptoms, relapse and disability identity
452. The Effect of Interrupting Sedentary Behavior on the Cardiometabolic Health of Adults With Sedentary Occupations
453. RobotQuest: A Robotic Game Based on Projected Mixed Reality and Proximity Interaction
454. Prolonged sitting increases the risk of gallstone disease regardless of physical activity: a cohort study
455. Measuring Sedentary Behavior During Pregnancy: Comparison Between Self-reported and Objective Measures
456. Can cutaneous vibration affect pain development? Testing the efficacy of a vibrating belt applied intermittently to the low back region during prolonged standing
457. A Novel Approach to Evaluating the Performance of Physical Fitness by Combining Statistical Inference with the Radar Chart
458. Screen-based sedentary behaviour and adiposity among school children: Results from International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment (ISCOLE) - Kenya
459. Genetic and environmental (physical fitness and sedentary activity) interaction effects on cardiometabolic risk factors in Mexican American children and adolescents
460. Sex differences in the association of psychological status with measures of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in adults with type 2 diabetes
461. Exercise as a therapeutic intervention to optimize fetal weight
462. The energy expenditure benefits of reallocating sedentary time with physical activity: a systematic review and meta-analysis
463. An iSpace-based Dietary Advisor
464. A Study on Introduction of the Green Gym from United Kingdom to South Korea
465. Digital Interventions to Reduce Sedentary Behaviors of Office Workers: Scoping Review (Preprint)
466. Prävention der juvenilen Adipositas durch körperliche Aktivität
467. Dietary inflammatory index and inflammatory biomarkers in adolescents from LabMed physical activity study
468. Wearables for health and fitness: Measurement characteristics and accuracy
469. Diabetes Diagnosis and Screen-Based Sedentary Behavior Among US Adults
470. Replacement of Sedentary Time with Physical Activity
471. Changes in Weight, Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity during the School Year and Summer Vacation
472. Reliability and validity of the international physical activity questionnaire compared to calibrated accelerometer cut-off points in the quantification of sedentary behaviour and physical activity in older adults
473. The effects of mothers’ musical background on sedentary behavior, physical activity, and exercise adherence in their 5-6-years-old children using movement-to-music video program
474. Comparison of daily physical activity parameters using objective methods between overweight and normal-weight children
475. Knowledge‐based reasoning and recommendation framework for intelligent decision making
476. Use of an online personal health record’s Track Health function to promote positive lifestyle behaviors in Veterans with prediabetes
477. Demographics and Psychological Factors Associated with Adiposity in Nurses
478. Lifestyle and self-management determinants of hypertension control in a sample of Australian adults
479. Metabolic syndrome and its components among Korean submariners: a retrospective cross-sectional study
480. Reciprocal relationship between sedentary behavior and mood in young adults over one-year duration
481. Best practice guidelines for the measurement of physical activity levels in stroke survivors: a secondary analysis of an observational study
482. The cross‐sectional associations between objectively measured sedentary time and cardiometabolic health markers in adults – a systematic review with meta‐analysis component
483. Prevalence of prediabetes and modifiable factors in an ethnic group of Mexico: the Comcáac Project
484. Sedentary behaviour in rheumatoid arthritis: definition, measurement and implications for health
485. Associations of occupational standing with musculoskeletal symptoms: a systematic review with meta-analysis
486. A Physical Health Profile of Youths Living with a “Hikikomori” Lifestyle
487. Daily sitting time associated with the risk of metabolic syndrome in Korean adolescents
488. Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
489. Sedentary Behaviour and Psychosocial Health Across the Life Course
490. Sedentary Behaviour and Mortality
491. Models for Understanding Sedentary Behaviour
492. Sedentary Behaviour at the Community Level: Correlates, Theories, and Interventions
493. Physiological Responses to Sedentary Behaviour
494. Reducing Sedentary Behaviour Among Older People
495. Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, Sleep Duration and Well-Being Among Estonian Schoolchildren: A Thematic Review
496. Bewegung: Gesundheit erhalten – Krankheit vermeiden
497. Effects of Body Weight Interval Training on Fitness Components of Primary Schoolgirls
498. Causes of Cancer: Physical Inactivity
499. Diet, Obesity, and Physical Inactivity
500. Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Subsequent to Serious Orthopedic Injury: A Systematic Review
501. Effect of different intensities of physical activity on cardiometabolic markers and vascular and cardiac function in adult rats fed with a high-fat high-carbohydrate diet
502. Association Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Health Care Costs: The Veterans Exercise Testing Study
503. Systemic inflammation as a function of the individual and combined associations of sedentary behaviour, physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness
504. A population‐based, cross‐sectional study of the prevalence and correlates of sedentary behaviour of adults with intellectual disabilities
505. A Feasibility Study for Improved Physical Activity After Total Knee Arthroplasty
506. Gender-Specific Manifestations of Daily Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Elderly Residents of Surgut
507. Parents’ Interpretations of Screen Time Recommendations for Children Younger Than 2 Years
508. Monitoring physical activity after a cardiovascular event: What is ‘fit’ for purpose?
509. The Consequences of Sedentary Behaviors: Keeping Interpretations Anchored in Evidence
510. Reducing Sedentary Time for Obese Older Adults: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
511. Pohybová aktivita a tělesná zdatnost českých adolescentů v kontextu zastavěného prostředí
512. The Difference of Body Mass Index According to Smart Phone Proficiency in Koreans over the Age of 60
513. Improving health risks by replacing sitting with standing in the workplace
514. The self-esteem, goal orientation, and health-related physical fitness of active and inactive adolescent students
515. Alzheimer's Disease: The Role of Microglia in Brain Homeostasis and Proteopathy
516. Introducing sit-stand desks increases classroom standing time among university students
517. The descriptive epidemiology of the diurnal profile of bouts and breaks in sedentary time in older English adults
518. “It's not an Obvious Issue, Is It?” Office-Based Employees’ Perceptions of Prolonged Sitting at Work
519. From information to reflection-design strategies for personal informatics
520. The impact of sitting time and physical activity on major depressive disorder in South Korean adults: a cross-sectional study
521. Sedentary behaviours during pregnancy: a systematic review
522. Sedentary Behavior Research Network (SBRN) – Terminology Consensus Project process and outcome
523. Does replacing sedentary behaviour with light or moderate to vigorous physical activity modulate inflammatory status in adults?
524. Associations of out of school physical activity, sedentary lifestyle and socioeconomic status with weight status and adiposity of Cameroon children
525. Evidence of increasing sedentarism in Mexico City during the last decade: Sitting time prevalence, trends, and associations with obesity and diabetes
526. Herramienta asistencial para el diagnóstico postural en sedestación en personas con movilidad reducida
527. Does a peer‐led exercise intervention affect sedentary behavior among breast cancer survivors?
528. Leisure Time Physical Activity and Sleep Predict Mortality in Men Irrespective of Background in Competitive Sports
529. Energy Expenditure of Standing Compared to Sitting While Conducting Office Tasks
530. Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years (0–4 years): An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep
531. Associations of prolonged standing with musculoskeletal symptoms—A systematic review of laboratory studies
532. Motivating parent support for physical activity: the role of framed persuasive messages
533. A Novel Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Classification and Its Relationship With Physical Fitness in Spanish Older Adults: The PHYSMED Study
534. Frailty is associated with objectively assessed sedentary behaviour patterns in older adults: Evidence from the Toledo Study for Healthy Aging (TSHA)
535. Sedentary behaviour and bone health in children, adolescents and young adults: a systematic review
536. A practical guidance for assessments of sedentary behavior at work: A PEROSH initiative
537. The Ubiquity of the Screen: An Overview of the Risks and Benefits of Screen Time in Our Modern World
538. The effect of a movement-to-music video program on the objectively measured sedentary time and physical activity of preschool-aged children and their mothers: A randomized controlled trial
539. Reducing Sedentary Time for Obese Older Adults: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial (Preprint)
540. Sedentary Behavior and Sleep Problems: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
541. Sedentary work and the risks of colon and rectal cancer by anatomical sub-site in the Canadian census health and environment cohort (CanCHEC)
542. Modeling the Effect of Physical Activity on Obesity in China: Evidence from the Longitudinal China Health and Nutrition Study 1989–2011
544. Getting a GRIP (getting research into practice) on movement integration in the school classroom
545. Accelerometry does not match with self-reported physical activity and sedentary behaviors in Mexican children
546. El auto-reporte de actividad física y comportamientos sedentarios no concuerda con la acelerometría en escolares mexicanos
547. Breaking up sedentary time, physical activity and lipoprotein metabolism
548. Reduced cancer mortality at high altitude: The role of glucose, lipids, iron and physical activity
549. Self-reported Sitting Time is Associated With Decreased Mobility in Older Adults
550. Parent-child behavioural patterns related to pre-schoolers' overweight/obesity
551. Assessment of Physical Activity
552. Considerations when using the activPAL monitor in field-based research with adult populations
553. Electronic media time and sedentary behaviors in children: Findings from the Built Environment and Active Play Study in the Washington DC area
554. Sedentary behavior patterns in non-pregnant and pregnant women
555. Gaming Your Way to Health: A Systematic Review of Exergaming Programs to Increase Health and Exercise Behaviors in Adults
556. Level of Sedentary Behavior and Its Associated Factors among Saudi Women Working in Office-Based Jobs in Saudi Arabia
557. Physical Fitness, Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, or Diet—What Are the Correlates of Obesity in Polish School Children?
558. What is the association between sedentary behaviour and cognitive function? A systematic review
559. Comparison of structured and unstructured physical activity training on predicted VO2max and heart rate variability in adolescents – a randomized control trial
560. Análisis de los comportamientos sedentarios, práctica de actividad física y uso de videojuegos en adolescentes
561. Le concept d’activité physique pour la santé
562. Physical activity, physical fitness, and health
563. Objectively measured sedentary time and academic achievement in schoolchildren
564. Wearable monitors criterion validity for energy expenditure in sedentary and light activities
565. Detecting physical activity within lifelogs towards preventing obesity and aiding ambient assisted living
566. Factors associated with meeting physical activity guidelines by adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
567. A Systematic and Integrated Review of Mobile-Based Technology to Promote Active Lifestyles in People With Type 2 Diabetes
568. Activity monitors for increasing physical activity in adult stroke survivors
569. Autism spectrum disorder: family quality of life while waiting for intervention services
570. Combined associations of sedentary behavior and cardiorespiratory fitness on cognitive function among older adults
571. Associations between screen media parenting practices and children’s screen time in Lebanon
572. Sedentary time assessed by actigraphy and mortality: The Rotterdam Study
573. BMI-specific associations between health-related behaviours and overweight – a longitudinal study among Norwegian adolescents
574. Interactions between sleep, movement and other non‐movement behaviours in the pathogenesis of childhood obesity
575. Knowledge-Based Decision Support Systems for Personalized u-lifecare Big Data Services
576. Office Workers’ Perceived Barriers and Facilitators to Taking Regular Micro-breaks at Work: A Diary-Probed Interview Study
577. Empfehlungen für gesundheitswirksame körperliche Aktivität im Kindes- und Erwachsenenalter
578. Sitzender Lebensstil und Gesundheit
579. Sedentary behavior during school-time: Sociodemographic, weight status, physical education class, and school performance correlates in Brazilian schoolchildren
580. Sedentary Behavior: Considerations for the Nurse Practitioner
581. Frugal Abundance in an Age of Limits: Envisioning a Degrowth Economy
582. Exploring the risk behaviour of learners in a South African private Christian secondary school
583. Activity Recognition for Persons With Stroke Using Mobile Phone Technology: Toward Improved Performance in a Home Setting
584. Leisure-time Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in Older People: The Influence of Sport Involvement on Behaviour Patterns in Later Life
585. Parent-child physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and obesity
586. Sedentary Behaviour: A New Target in the Prevention and Management of Diabetes?
587. The types and levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviour of Senior Phase learners in Potchefstroom
588. Walking in two French neighborhoods: A study of how park numbers and locations relate to everyday walking
589. Screen and nonscreen sedentary behavior and sleep in adolescents
590. Sedentary behaviour in RA — a new research agenda
591. What’s keeping people after stroke from walking outdoors to become physically active? A qualitative study, using an integrated biomedical and behavioral theory of functioning and disability
592. “GET-UP” study rationale and protocol: a cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effects of reduced sitting on toddlers’ cognitive development
593. Spatial physical activity patterns among primary school children living in neighbourhoods of varying socioeconomic status: a cross-sectional study using accelerometry and Global Positioning System
594. Objectively measured physical activity levels and sedentary time in 7–9-year-old Estonian schoolchildren: independent associations with body composition parameters
595. Perceived influence and college students’ diet and physical activity behaviors: an examination of ego-centric social networks
596. Does home equipment contribute to socioeconomic gradients in Australian children’s physical activity, sedentary time and screen time?
597. Weekday-weekend patterns of physical activity and screen time in parents and their pre-schoolers
598. Changes in physical activity and screen time related to psychological well-being in early adolescence: findings from longitudinal study ELANA
599. Seasonal changes in objectively measured sedentary behavior and physical activity in Japanese primary school children
600. Social inequalities in health behaviors among Brazilian adults: National Health Survey, 2013
601. Physical activity and non-movement behaviours: their independent and combined associations with metabolic syndrome
602. Evaluation, intervention, and follow-up of patients with diabetes in a primary health care setting in Brazil: the importance of a specialized mobile consultancy
603. Physical activity and sedentary behavior in Belgium (BNFCS2014): design, methods and expected outcomes
604. Differences in sedentary time and physical activity among mothers and children using a movement-to-music video program in the home environment: a pilot study
605. In-school versus out-of-school sedentary behavior patterns in U.S. children
606. Impact of an 8-Month Trial Using Height-Adjustable Desks on Children’s Classroom Sitting Patterns and Markers of Cardio-Metabolic and Musculoskeletal Health
607. Exploring physical activity with a low psychological burden and high feasibility in Japan: a qualitative study
608. Heterogeneity of muscle activity during sedentary behavior
609. Longitudinal Trajectories of Television Watching Across Childhood and Adolescence Predict Bone Mass at Age 20 Years in the Raine Study
610. A latent profile analysis of drinking patterns among nonstudent emerging adults
611. Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Changes in Life-Space Mobility Among Older People
612. Long-term Physical Activity Behavior After Completion of Traditional Versus Fast-track Cardiac Rehabilitation
613. Obesity and associated factors in youth with an autism spectrum disorder
614. College Students’ Mobile Telephone Use Is Positively Associated With Sedentary Behavior
615. SEDding Ourselves Up for Problems
616. Prevalence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Singapore and Its Association with Dietary, Lifestyle, and Environmental Factors
617. Associations between accelerometer-assessed sedentary behavior, physical activity and objectively-measured cardiorespiratory fitness with red blood cell distribution width
618. Intervention to reduce recreational screen-time in adolescents: Outcomes and mediators from the ‘Switch-Off 4 Healthy Minds’ (S4HM) cluster randomized controlled trial
619. Association between compliance with physical activity guidelines, sedentary behavior and depressive symptoms
620. Muscle activation and energy expenditure of sedentary behavior alternatives in young and old adults
621. Physical Activity Level and Sedentary Behaviors among Public School Children in Dakar (Senegal) Measured by PAQ-C and Accelerometer: Preliminary Results
622. Self-Reported Sitting Time, Physical Activity and Fibrinolytic and Other Novel Cardio-Metabolic Biomarkers in Active Swedish Seniors
623. How to Design Internet of Things to Encourage Office Workers to Take More Regular Micro-Breaks
624. Development and Validation of a High Anatomical Fidelity FE Model for the Buttock and Thigh of a Seated Individual
625. Joint effects of objectively-measured sedentary time and physical activity on all-cause mortality
626. Patterns of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in the general population in France: cluster analysis with personal and socioeconomic correlates
627. Transition from physical activity to inactivity increases skeletal muscle miR-148b content and triggers insulin resistance
628. Exploration of Sedentary Behavior in Residential Substance Abuse Populations: Results From an Intervention Study
629. Motor Skill Development in Italian Pre-School Children Induced by Structured Activities in a Specific Playground
630. Accuracy of activPAL Self-Attachment Methods
631. Call Center Productivity Over 6 Months Following a Standing Desk Intervention
632. Associations Between Sedentary Time, Physical Activity, and Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Measures of Total Body, Android, and Gynoid Fat Mass in Children
633. Examining the bidirectional relationship between physical activity, screen time, and symptoms of anxiety and depression over time during adolescence
634. Fuzzy logic based intention recognition in STS processes
635. Micro-context recognition of sedentary behaviour using smartphone
636. Designing a Culturally Appropriate Visually Enhanced Low-Text Mobile Health App Promoting Physical Activity for Latinos
637. Sedentary behaviours among adults across Canada
638. Parent-Child Relationship of Pedometer-Assessed Physical Activity and Proxy-Reported Screen Time in Czech Families with Preschoolers
639. Systematic review of the relationships between objectively measured physical activity and health indicators in school-aged children and youth1
640. Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth: An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep1
641. Introduction to the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth: An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep1
642. A review of the assessment and prevalence of sedentarism in older adults, its physiology/health impact and non-exercise mobility counter-measures
643. Accelerometer-determined physical activity and mortality in a national prospective cohort study: Considerations by visual acuity
644. The relationship between changes in sitting time and mortality in post-menopausal US women
645. Time use clusters in children and their associations with sociodemographic factors
646. Objectively Measured Patterns of Activities of Different Intensity Categories and Steps Taken Among Working Adults in a Multi-ethnic Asian Population
647. ‘Bring Your Own Device’: Considering potential risks to student health
648. Objectively-measured sedentary time and its association with markers of cardiometabolic health and fitness among cardiac rehabilitation graduates
649. Associations between physical activity and health-related fitness – volume versus pattern
650. Take a Stand!–a multi-component intervention aimed at reducing sitting time among office workers–a cluster randomized trial
651. In Patients with Established RA, Positive Effects of a Randomised Three Month WBV Therapy Intervention on Functional Ability, Bone Mineral Density and Fatigue Are Sustained for up to Six Months
652. Involvement in sedentary activities and academic performance in adolescents: differences according to sociodemographic variables /
Implicación en actividades sedentarias y rendimiento académico en adolescentes: diferencias según variables sociodemográficas
653. Lower extremity muscular strength, sedentary behavior, and mortality
654. Analysis and Interpretation of Accelerometry Data in Older Adults: The LIFE Study
655. Objectively measured sedentary behaviour and health and development in children and adolescents: systematic review and meta‐analysis
656. Exercise, Physical Activity, and Sedentary Behavior in the Treatment of Depression: Broadening the Scientific Perspectives and Clinical Opportunities
657. Mobile phone use among college students is a sedentary leisure behavior which may interfere with exercise
658. État des connaissances sur les comportements sédentaires
659. Secular trends in parent‐reported television viewing among children in the United States, 2001–2012
660. Predicting Objectively Measured Exercise Participation from Motivation and Basic Needs Satisfaction: Does a Mediational Model Exist?
661. Perceptions of Sedentary Behavior Among Socially Engaged Older Adults
662. Sitting time and physical activity after stroke: physical ability is only part of the story
663. New Information on Population Activity Patterns Revealed by Objective Monitoring
664. Can the Epidemiologist Learn more from Sedentary Behaviour than from the Measurement of Physical Activity?
665. Relationship Between Sedentary Behavior and Cardiovascular Risk
666. Health Assets and Active Lifestyles During Preadolescence and Adolescence: Highlights From the HBSC/WHO Health Survey and Implications for Health Promotion
667. Identificação de padrões de atividade física e comportamentos sedentários em adolescentes, com recurso à avaliação momentânea ecológica
668. Frugal Abundance in an Age of Limits: Envisioning a Degrowth Economy
669. The utility of a protection motivation theory framework for understanding sedentary behavior
670. Tracking the sedentary lifestyle using smartphone: A pilot study
671. Identifying patterns of obesity risk behavior to improve pediatric primary care
672. Concurrent Associations of Physical Activity and Screen-Based Sedentary Behavior on Obesity Among US Adolescents: A Latent Class Analysis
673. Sedentary Behaviour Profiling of Office Workers: A Sensitivity Analysis of Sedentary Cut-Points
674. Sedentary Behavior in People with and without a Chronic Health Condition: How Much, What and When?
675. Factors Influencing Sedentary Behaviour in Older Adults: An Ecological Approach
676. Where to Sit? Type of Sitting Matters for the Framingham Cardiovascular Risk Score
677. Interrelationships of Physical Activity and Sleep with Cardiovascular Risk Factors: a Person-Oriented Approach
678. Daily movement patterns and predicted 10-yr risk for a first atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) event using the pooled cohort risk equations among US adults
679. Systematic review of exercise for Charcot‐Marie‐Tooth disease
680. EURAPA moves to open access: Research trends and challenges in physical activity in old age
681. Prevalence and influences of preschoolers’ sedentary behaviors in early learning centers: a cross-sectional study
682. Workplace standing time and the incidence of obesity and type 2 diabetes: a longitudinal study in adults
683. The effect of a sit-stand workstation intervention on daily sitting, standing and physical activity: protocol for a 12 month workplace randomised control trial
684. Energy expenditure during common sitting and standing tasks: examining the 1.5 MET definition of sedentary behaviour
685. Rationale, design and methods for the 22 year follow-up of the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study
686. The Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy: methods for children in grades 4 to 6 (8 to 12 years)
687. Rationale and methods for a randomized controlled trial of a movement-to-music video program for decreasing sedentary time among mother-child pairs
688. Factors related to health-related quality of life among Chinese psychiatrists: occupational stress and psychological capital
689. Correlates of objectively measured sedentary time and self-reported screen time in Canadian children
690. Adjustment for physical activity in studies of sedentary behaviour
691. The relationship between physical activity, sedentary behaviour and mental health in Ghanaian adolescents
692. Canadian Pediatric Weight Management Registry (CANPWR): baseline descriptive statistics and comparison to Canadian norms
693. Comparison of Patterns of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Between Children With Cerebral Palsy and Children With Typical Development
694. Sedentary time is not independently related to postural stability or leg strength in women 50–67 years old
695. Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Patterns Before and During Pregnancy in a Multi-ethnic Sample of Asian Women in Singapore
696. Less Sitting, More Physical Activity, or Higher Fitness?
697. Preliminary findings of Active Classrooms: An intervention to increase physical activity levels of primary school children during class time
698. Changes in sedentary behaviours across the retirement transition: a systematic review
699. Associations between socioeconomic position and correlates of sedentary behaviour among youth: a systematic review
700. Neighbourhood urban form and individual-level correlates of leisure-based screen time in Canadian adults
701. Developing Occupation-Based Preventive Programs for Late-Middle-Aged Latino Patients in Safety-Net Health Systems
702. The emergence of sedentary behaviour physiology and its effects on the cardiometabolic profile in young and older adults
703. Neighborhood Correlates of Sitting Time for Australian Adults in New Suburbs
704. Sedentary and Active Time in Toddlers with and without Cerebral Palsy
705. Implications of sit-stand and active workstations to counteract the adverse effects of sedentary work: A comprehensive review
706. Evening typology and morning tiredness associates with low leisure time physical activity and high sitting
707. The role of sports and exercise in allergic disease: drawbacks and benefits
708. Meta‐analysis of the relationship between breaks in sedentary behavior and cardiometabolic health
709. Environment as ‘Brain Training’: A review of geographical and physical environmental influences on cognitive ageing
710. Appropriateness of the definition of ‘sedentary’ in young children: Whole-room calorimetry study
711. Energy Balance 4 Kids with Play: Results from a Two-Year Cluster-Randomized Trial
712. Association between low ankle-brachial index and accelerometer-derived sedentary and exercise time in the asymptomatic general population
713. Sensitivity to Change of Objectively-Derived Measures of Sedentary Behavior
714. Issues and Challenges in Sedentary Behavior Measurement
715. Knowledge and awareness of Canadian Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines: a synthesis of existing evidence
716. Sedentary behaviour among elite professional footballers: health and performance implications
717. Validity of the Acti4 method for detection of physical activity types in free-living settings: comparison with video analysis
718. Leisure-Time Screen-Based Sedentary Behavior and Leukocyte Telomere Length: Implications for a New Leisure-Time Screen-Based Sedentary Behavior Mechanism
719. Robust estimation of physical activity by adaptively fusing multiple parameters
720. Sedentary behaviour and risk of mortality from all-causes and cardiometabolic diseases in adults: evidence from the HUNT3 population cohort
721. Energy Expenditure in Institutionalized Older Adults
722. The relationship between physical activity and sedentary behaviour in parents and their children aged 9-12
723. Direct and self-reported measures of physical activity and sedentary behaviours by weight status in school-aged children: results from ISCOLE-Kenya
724. Quantification et qualification bio-énergétique de l’activité physique pour les recommandations de santé publique
725. Examining communication- and media-based recreational sedentary behaviors among Canadian youth: Results from the COMPASS study
726. Physical activity and sedentary behaviour: applying lessons to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
727. Physical activity, screen time and self-rated health and mental health in Canadian adolescents
728. Leisure time computer use and adolescent bone health—findings from the Tromsø Study,
Fit Futures
: a cross-sectional study
729. Multidimensional Physical Activity
730. Television Viewing, Walking Speed, and Grip Strength in a Prospective Cohort Study
731. Effects of Reducing Sedentary Time on Glucose Metabolism in Immigrant Pakistani Men
732. Accelerometer-based Physical Activity
733. Designing Wheelchair-Based Movement Games
734. Frequency of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) is a greater predictor of systemic inflammation than total weekly volume of MVPA: Implications for physical activity promotion
735. The Association Between Objectively Measured Sedentary Behavior and Red Blood Cell Distribution Width in A National Sample of US Adults
736. Association between Physical Activity, Sedentary Time, and Healthy Fitness in Youth
737. Sitting and Television Viewing
738. Sostenibilità e mobilità a pedali
739. Metabolic risk and television time in adolescent females
740. Sedentary Behaviour and Stroke: Foundational Knowledge is Crucial
741. Associations Between Television Watching and Car Riding Behaviors and Development of Depressive Symptoms: A Prospective Study
742. Bone Architecture and Strength in the Growing Skeleton: The Role of Sedentary Time
743. Sedentary Time and Its Association With Risk for Disease Incidence, Mortality, and Hospitalization in Adults
744. EDITORIAL: Too much Sitting: A Potential Health Hazard and a Global Call to Action
745. Daily hassles and depression in individuals with cognitive vulnerability to depression: The mediating role of maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies
746. Correlates of sedentary behaviour in 8- to 10-year-old children at elevated risk for obesity
747. Impact of supervised exercise rehabilitation on daily physical activity of cardiopulmonary patients
748. Prediction of bone mineral density and content from measures of physical activity and sedentary behavior in younger and older females
749. Accelerometer-measured sedentary time among Hispanic adults: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL)
750. Determinants of changes in sedentary time and breaks in sedentary time among 9 and 12year old children
751. Joint associations of objectively-measured sedentary behavior and physical activity with health-related quality of life
752. Is Self-Reported Physical Activity Participation Associated with Lower Health Services Utilization among Older Adults? Cross-Sectional Evidence from the Canadian Community Health Survey
753. Information Seeking in Social Media: A Review of YouTube for Sedentary Behavior Content
754. Empowering Sedentary Adults to Reduce Sedentary Behavior and Increase Physical Activity Levels and Energy Expenditure: A Pilot Study
755. Trendy v pohybovém chování českých dětí a adolescentů
756. Lack of Exercise of "Moderate to Vigorous" Intensity in People with Low Levels of Physical Activity Is a Major Discriminant for Sociodemographic Factors and Morbidity
757. Physical activity, sedentary behaviour and fetal macrosomia in uncomplicated pregnancies: A prospective cohort study
758. The Consequences of Obesity for the External Costs of Public Health Insurance in the United States
759. Creation of a reference dataset of neck sizes in children: standardizing a potential new tool for prediction of obesity-associated diseases?
760. The impact of parenthood on Canadians’ objectively measured physical activity: an examination of cross-sectional population-based data
761. Validity of the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) in assessing levels and change in moderate-vigorous physical activity and sedentary behaviour
762. The frequency of osteogenic activities and the pattern of intermittence between periods of physical activity and sedentary behaviour affects bone mineral content: the cross-sectional NHANES study
763. Interrelationships among sedentary time, sleep duration, and the metabolic syndrome in adults
764. Physical and social environmental characteristics of physical activity for Mexican-origin children: examining differences between school year and summer perceptions
765. Biological, socio-demographic, work and lifestyle determinants of sitting in young adult women: a prospective cohort study
766. Do sugar-sweetened beverages cause adverse health outcomes in adults? A systematic review protocol
767. Do sugar-sweetened beverages cause adverse health outcomes in children? A systematic review protocol
768. Efficacy of behavioural interventions for transport behaviour change: systematic review, meta-analysis and intervention coding
769. Importance of All Movement Behaviors in a 24 Hour Period for Overall Health
770. Physical activity and 10-year incidence of self-reported vertebral fractures in Japanese women: The Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study
771. Associations between time spent sitting and cancer-related biomarkers in postmenopausal women: an exploration of effect modifiers
772. Moving Beyond Seating-centered Learning Environments: Opportunities and Challenges Identified in a POE of a Campus Library
773. Motivational Counseling to Reduce Sitting Time
774. Frailty in relation to sedentary behaviours and moderate-vigorous intensity physical activity
775. A comparison of activity classification in younger and older cohorts using a smartphone
776. Health and Economic Costs of Physical Inactivity
777. Physical Activity and Bone Mineral Accrual in Boys with Different Body Mass Parameters during Puberty: A Longitudinal Study
778. Sedentary behavior is associated with colorectal adenoma recurrence in men
779. Screen time, adiposity and cardiometabolic markers: mediation by physical activity, not snacking, among 11-year-old children
780. The Relationship Between Sleep and Physical Function in Community-Dwelling Adults
781. Physical activity and sitting time in bariatric surgery patients 1–16 years post‐surgery
782. Longitudinal changes in objectively measured sedentary behaviour and their relationship with adiposity in children and adolescents: systematic review and evidence appraisal
783. The independent associations of sedentary behaviour and physical activity on cardiorespiratory fitness
784. Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness Are Beneficial for White Matter in Low-Fit Older Adults
785. Physical activity, sedentary behaviours and dietary habits among Kuwaiti adolescents: gender differences
786. Validation of Accelerometer Cut Points in Toddlers with and without Cerebral Palsy
787. Prescribing Physical Activity Through Primary Care: Does Activity Intensity Matter?
788. Health Promotion Through Primary Care: Enhancing Self-Management With Activity Prescription and mHealth
789. Niveles de sedentarismo en población entre 18 y 60 años en Manizales, Pereira y Armenia- 2012. Análisis Multivariado
790. Independent and combined associations of total sedentary time and television viewing time with food intake patterns of 9- to 11-year-old Canadian children
791. Hours lying down per day and mortality from all-causes and cardiovascular disease: the HUNT Study, Norway
792. Physical inactivity and long-term rates of community-acquired sepsis
793. Association of Active Play-Related Parenting Behaviors, Orientations, and Practices With Preschool Sedentary Behavior
794. Körperlich-sportliche Aktivität und Nutzung elektronischer Medien im Kindes- und Jugendalter
795. Keeping the Weight Off: Physical Activity, Sitting Time, and Weight Loss Maintenance in Bariatric Surgery Patients 2 to 16 Years Postsurgery
796. Associations between objectively-measured sedentary behaviour and physical activity with bone mineral density in adults and older adults, the NHANES study
797. The development of a smart chair to assist sit-to-stand transferring process
798. Lifestyle correlates of self‐reported sleep duration among
audi adolescents: a multicentre school‐based cross‐sectional study
799. Intervening to reduce workplace sitting time: how and when do changes to sitting time occur?
800. Midlife Determinants Associated with Sedentary Behavior in Old Age
801. Parent-Child Associations in Pedometer-Determined Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour on Weekdays and Weekends in Random Samples of Families in the Czech Republic
802. What interventions improve walking ability in neurogenic claudication with lumbar spinal stenosis? A systematic review
803. Objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time and sleep duration: independent and combined associations with adiposity in canadian children
804. Television Viewing, Computer Use, Time Driving and All‐Cause Mortality: The SUN Cohort
805. Duration of television viewing and bone mineral density in Chinese women
806. Feasibility of Retrofitting a University Library with Active Workstations to Reduce Sedentary Behavior
807. Effect of intervention programs in schools to reduce screen time: a meta‐analysis
808. Effect of intervention programs in schools to reduce screen time: a meta-analysis
809. Standing and Mortality in a Prospective Cohort of Canadian Adults
810. Reduction of health risk factors through an adapted physical activity program in patients with breast cancer
811. Association of dietary habits with levels of physical activity and screen time among adolescents living in
812. Validity of Electronically Administered Recent Physical Activity Questionnaire (RPAQ) in Ten European Countries
813. Developing a new treatment paradigm for disease prevention and healthy aging
814. Symptoms of depression are longitudinally associated with sedentary behaviors among young men but not among young women
815. Sedentary behavior in a cohort of 8- to 10-year-old children at elevated risk of obesity
816. Adherence to physical activity guidelines among cancer support group participants
817. Sitting Less, Moving More
818. Increasing objectively measured sedentary time increases clustered cardiometabolic risk: a 6 year analysis of the ProActive study
819. Sitzendes Verhalten als Risikofaktor im Kindes- und Jugendalter
820. Sedentary Behaviour as an Emerging Risk Factor for Cardiometabolic Diseases in Children and Youth
821. Sedentary behaviour and physical inactivity assessment in primary care: the Rapid Assessment Disuse Index (RADI) study
822. Sedentary behaviour and health: mapping environmental and social contexts to underpin chronic disease prevention
823. Health-Enhancing Physical Activity in Children With Cerebral Palsy: More of the Same Is Not Enough
824. Disordered Eating Issues in Active Children and Adolescence
825. Resistance Training Guidelines for Active Females Throughout the Lifespan: Children, Adolescences, Adult Women, and the Aging Woman
826. AcTrak - Unobtrusive Activity Detection and Step Counting Using Smartphones
827. Sitting: A Pelvic Function?
829. Haltungsschulung und Bewegungslernen
830. Designing Games to Discourage Sedentary Behaviour
831. Television Time among Brazilian Adolescents: Correlated Factors are Different between Boys and Girls
832. The clustering of diet, physical activity and sedentary behavior in children and adolescents: a review
833. Determinants of Sedentary Behavior, Motivation, Barriers and Strategies to Reduce Sitting Time in Older Women: A Qualitative Investigation
834. Does Participation in Physical Education Reduce Sedentary Behaviour in School and throughout the Day among Normal-Weight and Overweight-to-Obese Czech Children Aged 9–11 Years?
835. Bright light enhances the efficiency of physical activity in combination with a restrictive diet
836. School-related physical activity, lifestyle and obesity in children
837. Development of a Consensus Taxonomy of Sedentary Behaviors (SIT): Report of Delphi Round 1
838. Reducing office workers’ sitting time: rationale and study design for the Stand Up Victoria cluster randomized trial
839. The association between accelerometer-measured patterns of sedentary time and health risk in children and youth: results from the Canadian Health Measures Survey
840. A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Health Behaviors between Saudi and British Adolescents Living in Urban Areas: Gender by Country Analyses
841. Associations of Sedentary Behavior, Sedentary Bouts and Breaks in Sedentary Time with Cardiometabolic Risk in Children with a Family History of Obesity
842. Participatory Workplace Interventions Can Reduce Sedentary Time for Office Workers—A Randomised Controlled Trial
843. A Comparison of Energy Expenditure Estimation of Several Physical Activity Monitors
844. Why the Canadian Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines Should Reflect Sex and Gender
845. Impediments and Facilitators to Physical Activity and Perceptions of Sedentary Behavior Among Urban Community Residents: The Fair Park Study
846. The design and evaluation of a classroom exergame
847. The Effects of Imposed Sedentary Behavior and Exercise on Energy Intake in Adolescents With Obesity
848. Promoting healthy working life in an ageing and increasingly sedentary society
849. Integrated Sensing Techniques for Assistive Chairs
850. Sitting-Time, Physical Activity, and Depressive Symptoms in Mid-Aged Women
851. An active pregnancy for fetal well-being? The value of active living for most women and their babies
852. Too Much Sitting and Cardio-Metabolic Risk: An Update of Epidemiological Evidence
853. Conceptual Understanding of Screen Media Parenting: Report of a Working Group
854. Objectively Measured Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity in Office Employees
855. A survey on assistive chair and related integrated sensing techniques
856. Psychosocial Stressors and Health Behaviors
857. Continued Sedentariness, Change in Sitting Time, and Mortality in Older Adults
858. Associations of Perceived Neighborhood Physical and Social Environments with Physical Activity and Television Viewing in African-American Men and Women
859. Evaluating the uptake of Canada’s new physical activity and sedentary behavior guidelines on service organizations’ websites
860. The Energy Expenditure of Sedentary Behavior: A Whole Room Calorimeter Study
861. Combined associations between moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary behaviour with cardiometabolic risk factors in children
862. Associations of objectively measured sedentary behaviour and physical activity with markers of cardiometabolic health
863. Impact of objectively measured sedentary behaviour on changes in insulin resistance and secretion over 3years in the RISC study: Interaction with weight gain
864. Working Inside the Firehouse
865. Lifestyle Behaviors of African American Breast Cancer Survivors: A Sisters Network, Inc. Study
866. Screen Viewing and Diabetes Risk Factors in Overweight and Obese Adolescents
867. Physical activity in obesity and metabolic syndrome
868. Obesity and Sedentarism: Reviewing the Current Situation Within the WHO European Region
869. Letter to the Editor: Standardized use of the terms “sedentary” and “sedentary behaviours”
870. Depressive symptoms during pregnancy: Exploring the role of sitting
871. Sitting time, but not level of physical activity, is associated with depression in methadone-maintained smokers
872. Towards Integrated Physical Activity Profiling
873. A step-defined sedentary lifestyle index: <5000 steps/day
874. Stappen ter preventie van type 2 diabetes: fysieke inspanning, meer lopen of minder zitten?
875. Associations between sitting time and a range of symptoms in mid-age women
876. Sedentary Behaviour, Visceral Fat Accumulation and Cardiometabolic Risk in Adults: A 6-Year Longitudinal Study from the Quebec Family Study
877. Objectively measured physical activity levels of children and adolescents in rural South Africa: High volume of physical activity at low intensity
878. Applying Physical Activity in Cancer Prevention
880. Bone Acquisition in Adolescence
881. Daily energy balance in children and adolescents. Does energy expenditure predict subsequent energy intake?
882. Effect of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior on Serum Prostate-Specific Antigen Concentrations: Results From the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2003-2006
884. Physical activity, sedentary behavior and total wellness changes among sedentary adults: a 4-week randomized controlled trial
885. Associations between eating meals, watching TV while eating meals and weight status among children, ages 10–12 years in eight European countries: the ENERGY cross-sectional study
886. A place for play? The influence of the home physical environment on children’s physical activity and sedentary behaviour
887. Relationship between appetitive motives and non-exercise lifestyle in a young adult population
888. Behavioral Lifestyle Intervention in the Treatment of Obesity
889. Changes in traditional chronic disease risk factors over time and their relationship with leisure-time physical activity in people living with spinal cord injury
890. Predictors and Health Consequences of Screen-Time Change During Adolescence—1993 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort Study
891. Physical activity and obese children
892. Children, parents, and pets exercising together (CPET) randomised controlled trial: study rationale, design, and methods
893. Lifestyle factors associated with overweight and obesity among Saudi adolescents
894. Associations between fruit and vegetable intake, leisure-time physical activity, sitting time and self-rated health among older adults: cross-sectional data from the WELL study
895. Sedentary behaviours and its association with bone mass in adolescents: the HELENA cross-sectional study
896. Objectively measured sedentary time and physical activity time across the lifespan: a cross-sectional study in four age groups
897. Objective measurement of posture and posture transitions in the pre-school child
899. In people aged over 45, increased time spent sitting daily is associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality independent of physical activity level
900. Sit–Stand Workstations
901. Validation of a Novel, Objective Measure of Occupational Sitting
902. Leisure-time physical activity and cardiovascular disease mortality
903. Systematic review of sedentary behaviour and health indicators in the early years (aged 0–4 years)
904. Young Children and Parental Physical Activity Levels
905. Can We Make Time for Physical Activity? Simulating Effects of Daily Physical Activity on Mortality
906. Reducing Sitting Time: The New Workplace Health Priority
907. Relationship Between Ambulatory Performance and Self-Rated Disability in Patients With Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
908. Adverse associations of increases in television viewing time with 5‐year changes in glucose homoeostasis markers: the AusDiab study
909. Short sleep duration and its association with energy metabolism
910. Physical Activity Is Related to Pain Sensitivity in Healthy Women
911. Correlates of Change in Adults’ Television Viewing Time
912. Letter to the Editor: Standardized use of the terms “sedentary” and “sedentary behaviours”
913. Lettre à l’éditeur : utilisation standardisée des termes « sédentarité » et « comportements sédentaires »
914. Physical activity vs. sedentary time: independent associations with adiposity in children
915. Exercise Increases Serum Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF21) Levels
916. Major Initiatives Related to Childhood Obesity and Physical Inactivity in Canada: The Year in Review
917. Lifetime leisure-time physical activity and the risk of depressive symptoms at the ages of 65–74years: The FIN-D2D survey
918. Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for the Early Years (aged 0–4 years)
919. Canadian Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines for the Early Years (aged 0–4 years)
920. Directives canadiennes en matière d’activité physique pour la petite enfance (enfants âgés de 0 à 4 ans)
921. Directives canadiennes en matière de comportement sédentaire pour la petite enfance (enfants âgés de 0 à 4 ans)
922. Non-Occupational Sitting and Mental Well-Being in Employed Adults
923. Healthy active living: Physical activity guidelines for children and adolescents
924. Evidence-based exercise prescription: raising the standard of delivery
925. Addressing the Nonexercise Part of the Activity Continuum: A More Realistic and Achievable Approach to Activity Programming for Adults With Mobility Disability?
926. Habitual active transport, TV viewing and weight gain: A four year follow-up study
927. Incidental Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Are Not Associated With Abdominal Adipose Tissue in Inactive Adults
928. Energy balance‐related behaviours associated with overweight and obesity in preschool children: a systematic review of prospective studies
929. Prevalence of sedentary behaviour in young people in Romania and Slovakia
930. Körperliche Aktivität und Adipositas
931. Advances in Technologies and Study Design
932. Incidental Physical Activity Is Positively Associated with Cardiorespiratory Fitness
933. Utilisation standardisée des termes « sédentarité » et « comportements sédentaires »
934. Physical Activity and Children’s Bone Health
935. Sedentary behaviour and life expectancy in the USA: a cause-deleted life table analysis
936. Acute Sedentary Behaviour and Markers of Cardiometabolic Risk: A Systematic Review of Intervention Studies
937. Do Motion Controllers Make Action Video Games Less Sedentary? A Randomized Experiment
938. Is physical activity maintenance from adolescence to young adulthood associated with reduced CVD risk factors, improved mental health and satisfaction with life: the HUNT Study, Norway
939. Direction of the association between body fatness and self-reported screen time in Dutch adolescents
940. Potential Contributors to the Canadian Pediatric Obesity Epidemic
941. Study protocol of physical activity and sedentary behaviour measurement among schoolchildren by accelerometry - Cross-sectional survey as part of the ENERGY-project
942. A qualitative study of older adults' responses to sitting-time questions: do we get the information we want?
943. Adolescent predictors of objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour at age 42: the Amsterdam Growth and Health Longitudinal Study (AGAHLS)
944. Incidental Physical Activity Is Positively Associated with Cardiorespiratory Fitness
945. The Scientific Analysis of Aged' Shoe for Health Promotion
946. Physical activity and mental health in children and adolescents: a review of reviews
947. Determinants of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in young people: a review and quality synthesis of prospective studies
948. Sedentary behaviour interventions in young people: a meta-analysis
949. International Olympic Committee consensus statement on the health and fitness of young people through physical activity and sport
950. Fit or sit? Is there a psychology of sedentary behaviour?
951. Prolonged Sitting and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality
952. Health Risks, Correlates, and Interventions to Reduce Sedentary Behavior in Young People
953. Enhancing the effectiveness of clearance for physical activity participation: background and overall process11This paper is one of a selection of papers published in the Special Issue entitled Evidence-based risk assessment and recommendations for physical activity clearance, and has undergone the Journal's usual peer-review process.
954. New Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines
955. Nouvelles Directives canadiennes en matière d’activité physique
956. Canadian Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines for Children and Youth
957. Directives canadiennes en matière de comportement sédentaire à l’intention des enfants et des jeunes
958. Smart Phone Sensing to Examine Effects of Social Interactions and Non-sedentary Work Time on Mood Changes
959. Physical activity, sedentary behaviors and dietary habits among Saudi adolescents relative to age, gender and region
960. Clustering of children's activity behaviour: the use of self-report versus direct measures