Mining operations generate two types of wastes during the extraction and processing of the ore: waste rocks and tailings (
Bussière 2007;
Bussière and Guittonny 2021a). Waste rocks are generally coarse material with noneconomical mineralization that have been blasted and extracted from the ground to reach the ore deposit. Tailings refer to the rocks extracted from the ore deposit that have been crushed into fine particles and mixed with water and chemicals to extract the metals (
Aubertin et al. 2002a,
Dimech et al. 2022). Large volumes of mining wastes are generated worldwide since the proportion of metals in the ore is generally well below 10% for most metals (down to a few grams per tons for silver, platinum, or gold), and these ore grades are expected to drop in the future due to global ore depletion and increasing demand (
Mudd 2007;
Rötzer and Schmidt 2018). In 2019, it was estimated that over 220 billion tons of tailings have been generated worldwide, and 50 billion tons were expected to be generated over the following 5 years (World Mine Tailings Failures). Tailings and waste rocks are generally stored in large-scale waste facilities that can extend across tens of square kilometers and measure hundreds of meters in height (
Aubertin et al. 2016;
Vriens et al. 2020;
Kossoff et al. 2014), and have been described as ”the largest man-made structures on earth” (
Bowker and Chambers 2015).
Mining wastes are associated with major environmental concerns for two main reasons: the geotechnical and geochemical instabilities of tailings storage facilities (TSFs) and waste rock piles (WRPs) (
Bussière 2007;
Aznar-Sánchez et al. 2018). On the one hand, the poor geotechnical properties of tailings make TSFs vulnerable to failure if the dams are not properly designed and/or exposed to extreme precipitation, earthquakes, or landslides (
Azam and Li 2010); several catastrophic failures have been reported in recent years (
Rotta et al. 2020). On the other hand, the sulfides generally present in mining wastes can oxidize when exposed to water and oxygen, which is commonly referred to as acid mine drainage (AMD) generation (
Blowes et al. 2003;
Plante et al. 2021a). If poorly controlled, AMD can have significant impacts on both surface water and groundwater, decreasing the pH below 7 and increasing the solubility of most metal species (
Nordstrom et al. 2015;
Rezaie and Anderson 2020).
In recent years, several reclamation techniques have been developed to manage the risk of AMD, both at the source and over the long term, by controlling water and/or oxygen fluxes from the atmosphere toward the tailings, which significantly reduces the oxidation reaction (
Bussière and Guittonny 2021a). Among other approaches, the construction of covers with capillary barrier effects (CCBEs) at the surface of potentially AMD generating tailings is particularly promising to control the availability of oxygen to tailings in humid climates (
Aubertin et al. 1995;
Bussière et al. 2003). CCBEs are based on the capillary barrier effects that develop at the interface between fine and coarse materials under unsaturated conditions, which tend to reduce vertical water flow across this interface (
Morel-Seytoux 1992). In most CCBEs, a layer made of fine materials, referred to as the moisture-retaining layer (MRL), is installed between two layers of coarser materials, referred to as the capillary break layers (
Aubertin et al. 1995). The capillary break layers tend to drain rapidly because of their poor water retention capacity, whereas the MRL tends to remain nearly saturated, which in turn greatly reduces oxygen migration (
Bussière et al. 2003;
Aachib et al. 2004;
Demers and Pabst 2021). Low saturated hydraulic conductivity covers (LSHCCs) are an alternative reclamation approach, also referred to as water infiltration barriers or impermeable barriers, which aim to limit water infiltration into the wastes (
Maqsoud et al. 2021). The low saturated hydraulic conductivity layer of the LSHCC is generally made of fine-grained soils (clay or fine silt) and/or man-made materials (e.g., geomembrane or geosynthetic clay liner), with a suggested saturated hydraulic conductivity less than or equal to 10
−7 cm/s (
Aubertin et al. 2016;
Maqsoud et al. 2021). As presented by
Aubertin et al. (1995), additional layers made of coarser material are essential to optimize the performance of LSHCCs.
The performance of CCBEs and LSHCCs has been documented in the literature in recent years across different scales (e.g., numerical studies (
Bussière et al. 2003;
Aubertin et al. 2009), laboratory columns (
Aachib et al. 1994;
Kalonji-Kabambi et al. 2017;
Larochelle et al. 2019), field pilot-scale cells (
Bussière et al. 2007), and field large-scale cover systems (
Bussière et al. 2003;
Dagenais 2005). However, the performance of CCBEs and LSHCCs is dependent on the water budget at a specific mining site and on the cover design (e.g., hydrogeological properties of the material used, thickness of the layers, topography of the cover system) (
Demers and Pabst 2021;
Maqsoud et al. 2021). Moreover, the performance can be locally or globally affected by physical processes (e.g., extreme precipitation and droughts, freeze–thaw cycles, or preferential pathways) or biological processes (e.g., evapotranspiration from vegetation, root-water uptake, and root or burrowing animal intrusions), both in the short or long-term (
MEND 2004;
Rykaart et al. 2006;
Bussière and Guittonny 2021b). As a result, it is generally recommended to construct one or more test cover systems at the pilot scale to assess the hydrogeological behavior under real meteorological conditions and monitor the performance in the short term (
Bussière 2007;
Bussière et al. 2021). More generally, reclamation cover systems installed on TSFs and WRPs should also be properly monitored over the long term to provide early detection of local or global decreases in cover system performance (
MEND 2004).
The tools deployed to monitor the stability of mining wastes are mostly based on local measurements (e.g., point sensors measuring volumetric water content (VWC) or piezometers) or skin-deep surface observations (e.g., visual inspections, photogrammetry, or remote sensing) (
Hui et al. 2018;
Clarkson and Williams 2020). While surface observation cover large scales with relatively low spatial resolution, local measurements allow physical parameters to be monitored within a few centimeters around the sensors (
Vereecken et al. 2008). As a result, many monitoring stations using dense networks of sensors might be needed to cover TSFs and WRPs, which could represent significant costs for the monitoring programs (
Rykaart et al. 2006). Geophysical techniques provide a promising approach to bridge the gap between local measurements and surface observations since they allow imaging of key physical parameters in the subsurface across intermediate scales, which can range from centimetric to kilometric surveys (
Binley et al. 2015;
Parsekian et al. 2015). Time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (TL-ERT) has emerged in recent years as one of the most promising geophysical techniques for subsurface monitoring (
Chambers et al. 2022;
Dimech et al. 2022;
Dimech 2023). Indeed, TL-ERT is generally robust, cost-effective, and readily deployable for permanent, continuous, and remote monitoring for various types of applications as highlighted by the reviews from
Falzone et al. (2019) and
Dimech et al. (2022). Moreover, ERT has been used in the context of mining environment to characterize and monitor mining wastes (
Martinez-Pagan et al. 2021;
Dimech et al. 2022). However, the potential that TL-ERT represents as a large-scale complementary monitoring technique remains largely untapped for mining wastes
(Dimech et al. 2022), despite recent developments of remote, permanent, and automated geoelectrical monitoring systems in many other fields of geosciences (
Slater and Binley 2021;
Chambers et al. 2022).
This study presents the results from a pilot-scale experimental investigation at an active mining site where permanent ERT arrays were deployed to continuously monitor moisture content in two multi-layer cover systems. This paper aims to: (i) present and validate the methodology followed to predict moisture content distribution using daily ERT measurements, (ii) assess the accuracy of ERT-predicted moisture content distribution using co-located point VWC sensors, and (iii) demonstrate how continuous remote geoelectrical monitoring can be used in conjunction with conventional techniques to assess the performance of mine tailings reclamation cover systems across large scales. To our knowledge, this survey is one of the first attempts to use permanent, automated, and remote TL-ERT for monitoring mining wastes at the pilot scale. As a result, this study provides a ”proof-of-concept” that geoelectrical monitoring is a robust technique that could be successfully combined with conventional techniques to spatially extend the monitoring of moisture dynamics in mining wastes for environmental monitoring.
Site description
Canadian Malartic Mine (CMM) is a world-class large-tonnage and low-grade gold deposit located in the Abitibi region, Quebec, Canada (48.11°N, 78.12°W) as shown in
Fig. 1. It is expected that over 620 Mt of waste rocks and nearly 300 Mt of tailings will have been produced by the end of operations in 2029 (
Canadian Malartic Mine 2020). These wastes will be stored in WRPs (3.7 km
2) and in TSFs (6.2 km
2), as shown in
Fig. 1a with a satellite view of the mine (
Canadian Malartic Mine 2020). The tailings have average sulfur and carbon contents of 1.2% and 0.6%, respectively. This corresponds to a neutralizing potential ratio below 2 (
Plante et al. 2021a), which places the tailings in an uncertainty zone for their AMD generating potential (
Plante et al. 2021b). The region is characterized by a cold and temperate continental climate with a typical annual precipitation of 900 mm (
Larchevêque et al. 2014). The mean annual temperature is around 1 °C, with cold winters (mean of −17 °C in January) and hot summers (mean of 17 °C in July) (
Canadian Malartic Mine 2015).
As part of its mine reclamation decision-making process, CMM conducted a failure mode and effects analysis exercise. As a result, it was decided that four large-scale field experimental cover systems would be built in order to address various identified risks, notably in terms of constructability and performance of the cover systems. Two CCBE-type and two LHSCC-type covers were constructed in 2019 and 2020 in the southwestern portion of the TSF (
Fig. 1). Each cover was about 18 m wide and 280 m long, with an 80 m long flat section (referred to as ”plateau”) and a 200 m long inclined section with a 10% slope. At this location, the maximum elevation of the TSF was approximately 30 m above the natural ground. Four 23 m long sections of the field experimental multi-layer covers were instrumented with a dense network of point VWC sensors and geophysical electrodes as illustrated in
Fig. 1. Two hydrogeophysical sections were located in one CCBE: in the plateau section (A1) and at the top of the slope (A2) while two sections were located in one LSHCC: at the top of the slope (B1) and at the bottom of the slope (B2). The locations of the four sections were selected in order to assess the potential of geoelectrical measurements to monitor moisture content dynamics in covers for a broad range of field conditions at the pilot scale. Both the multi-layer cover design and the slope were expected to affect the hydrogeological behavior of the field cover systems (
Bussière et al. 2003). Moreover, the bottom part of the slope was revegetated in October 2020 and June 2021 using oat seeds as indicated in
Fig. 1, which was also expected to play a role in the moisture content distribution.