Open access

Using publicly available weather station data to investigate the effects of heat stress on milk production traits in Canadian Holstein cattle

Publication: Canadian Journal of Animal Science
4 March 2022


Heat stress imposes a challenge to the dairy industry, even in northern latitudes. In this study, publicly available weather station data were combined with test-day records for milk, fat, and protein yields to identify the temperature–humidity index (THI) thresholds at which heat load starts affecting milk production traits in Canadian Holstein cows. Production loss per THI unit above the threshold for each trait was estimated. Test-day records from 2010 to 2019 from 166,749 cows raised in Ontario and from 221,214 cows raised in Quebec were analyzed. Annual economic losses (EL) due to heat stress were estimated from the average losses of fat and protein yields based on the annual average of 156 d with THI exceeding the calculated thresholds. Average thresholds for the daily maximum (THImax) and daily average (THIavg) THI estimated across lactations in both provinces were THImax (THIavg) 68 (64), 57 (50), and 60 (58) for milk, fat, and protein yield, respectively, indicating that milk components are more sensitive to heat stress. An EL of about $34.5 million per year was estimated. Our findings contribute to an initial investigation into the impact of heat stress on the Canadian dairy industry and provide a basis for genetic studies on heat tolerance.


Le stress thermique impose un défi à l’industrie laitière, même dans les régions nordiques. Dans cette étude, les données de station météorologique disponible publiquement ont été combinées aux relevées au jour de contrôle des rendements en lait, gras, et protéines afin de déterminer les seuils d’indice de température-humidité (THI — « temperature-humidity index ») auxquels la charge thermique commence à avoir un effet sur les caractéristiques de production de lait chez les vaches holsteins canadiennes. La perte de production par unité de THI au-dessus du seuil a été estimée pour chaque caractéristique. Les relevés au jour de contrôle des années 2010 à 2019 provenant de 166 749 vaches élevées en Ontario et de 221 214 élevées au Québec ont été analysés. Les pertes économiques annuelles imputables au stress thermique ont été estimées selon les pertes moyennes de rendements en gras et en protéines basées sur la moyenne annuelle de 156 jours avec un THI qui surpasse les seuils calculés. Les seuils moyens de THI quotidien maximal (THImax) et THI quotidien moyen (THIavg) estimé à travers les lactations dans les deux provinces étaient de THImax (THIavg) 68 (64), 57 (50), et 60 (58) pour le rendement de lait, gras, et protéines, respectivement, indiquant que les composantes du lait sont plus sensibles au stress thermique. Une perte économique d’environ 34,5 $ millions par année a été estimée. Nos résultats contribuent à une étude sur l’impact du stress thermique sur l’industrie laitière canadienne et offrent une base pour des études génétiques sur la tolérance de la chaleur. [Traduit par la Rédaction]


Over the last decade, the Canadian dairy industry has reached outstanding production levels, with cows producing an average of 10,675 kg of milk per lactation, at an average fat content of 4.02% and a protein content of 3.30% (Canadian Dairy Information Centre (CDIC) 2020a). Dairy cattle breeding programs in Canada have placed great emphasis on increased milk fat and protein yields, as farmers have been paid based on the milk components (Dairy Farmers of Ontario 2020). The success of the Canadian dairy cattle sector has been achieved mostly because of the implementation of genetic/genomic selection, improvements in data recording technologies, and advances in analytical techniques, which enabled accurate selection decisions in dairy cattle breeding (Miglior et al. 2017; Weigel et al. 2017). However, although genetic progress has been achieved for production-related traits, the increased metabolic heat production due to higher productivity might have resulted in animals being more susceptible to thermal challenges (Kadzere et al. 2002; Collier et al. 2017). Consequently, temperature variations accompanied by extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, have been identified as a significant constraint for the dairy industry, even in geographical regions with high seasonal temperature differences (e.g., Canada, central Europe) (Polsky and von Keyserlingk 2017; Gauly and Ammer 2020). In this regard, heat stress in dairy cattle has received special attention due to the antagonistic relationship usually observed between production and environmental sensitivity (Hansen 2004; Collier et al. 2019).
Heat stress can be defined as environmental conditions that impair the animal’s maintenance of thermal stability (Kadzere et al. 2002; Collier et al. 2019). The detrimental effects of heat stress can be observed on lifetime performance (Pinedo and de Vries 2017; Laporta et al. 2020) and welfare (Polsky and von Keyserlingk 2017), resulting in economic losses. For instance, St-Pierre et al. (2003) estimated a high negative economic impact associated with heat stress (about $897 million per year) in the US dairy industry. Determining the climatic conditions at which cows start experiencing heat stress has been central in several studies that have attempted to evaluate the cow’s response to thermal stress or to develop mitigation strategies to reduce the impact of heat stress in the dairy industry (Renaudeau et al. 2012; Ansari-Mahyari et al. 2019; Berman 2019).
Collecting accurate weather information is paramount to assess the impact of heat stress on livestock performance. However, limited access to weather information recorded on farms is a challenge, especially for dairy cattle. In this context, Ravagnolo et al. (2000) showed that public weather stations are a valuable data source to assess the heat tolerance of cattle based on changes in milk production. Hourly records for temperature, humidity, and other climate-related measurements (e.g., wind speed, dew point, etc.) are routinely collected by weather stations, providing continuous data that span several years. These data can be used as a surrogate for on-farm climatic conditions allowing for calculating the temperature–humidity index (THI) and the assessment of heat stress effects on commercial dairy farms. Several studies have used THI calculated from weather station data as an indicator of thermal stress, which has identified THI thresholds at which production is affected in dairy cattle (Ravagnolo et al. 2000; Bernabucci et al. 2014; Carabaño et al. 2016). However, to the best of our knowledge, using publicly available weather station records to identify THI thresholds at which dairy cattle production is affected has not yet been carried out in Canada.
Using publicly available weather station data to estimate the effects of heat stress on milk production traits (e.g., milk, fat, and protein yields) can provide an opportunity for genetic studies on heat tolerance in Canadian Holstein cattle, such as the evaluation of genotype by environment interaction. Ontario and Quebec have the largest number of herds in Canada and represents 70% of the country’s milk production (CDIC 2020b). In this context, the current study aimed to investigate the usefulness of public information from weather stations located in Ontario and Quebec to assess heat stress effects in Canadian Holstein cattle. The specific objectives of this study were to (1) identify the THI thresholds at which heat load starts to affect milk, fat, and protein yields in the first three lactations of Holstein cattle; (2) assess potential differences in heat stress levels identified between the provinces of Ontario and Quebec; and (3) estimate the economic impact associated with the decreased production due to heat stress.

Materials and Methods

Ethics and data availability

The institutional research ethics board of the University of Guelph did not require ethics approval for this study. Weather station data are publicly available from Environment and Climate Change Canada ( and the production data used in this study was made available by Lactanet (Guelph, ON, Canada;, which are recorded by producers and producer organizations following the Code of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals — Dairy Cattle — of the Canadian National Farm Animal Care Council (

Milk production and weather data

A total of 2.6 million test-day (TD) records for milk, fat, and protein yields from 170,439 Holstein cows raised in 1342 herds in Ontario, and 3.8 million records from 226,863 Holstein cows raised in 1962 herds located in Quebec, were provided by Lactanet. In Quebec and Ontario, the average size of herds is 76 and 95 cows, respectively, with mainly two types of barns — tie stall and free stall (CDIC 2021a). The data collected spanned a 10 yr period (from 2010 to 2019) and included observations from the first three parities. Only herds with records in at least five years and only observations collected within the interval from 5 to 305 d in milk (DIM) were used for analyses. In each parity, cows were required to have a minimum of four records.
Meteorological data were obtained from Environment Climate Change Canada (ECCC) using the “weathercan” (LaZerte and Albers 2018) package available in R (R Core Team 2021). The data consisted of hourly measurements (i.e., 24 records per day) of ambient temperature (AT) and relative humidity (RH). Each day was divided into three periods (i.e., morning (5 am–11 pm), afternoon (12 pm–8 pm), and night (9 pm–4 am)), and weather stations were required to have a minimum of one reading per period in each day over the entire 11 yr period. A total of 30 and 37 weather stations in Ontario and Quebec were linked to more than one farm. Therefore, the nearest weather station was assigned to each farm based on their latitude and longitude using the “geosphere” (Hijmans et al. 2019) package of R (R Core Team 2021). Weather records were collected from a total of 33 and 43 weather stations located within a maximum distance of 20 km from each herd (average distance of 13.1 ± 5.2 km and 12.6 ± 4.6 km) in Ontario and Quebec, respectively.

Temperature–humidity index

Records of AT and RH were incorporated into the National Research Council (1971) formula to calculate the THI as follows:
Two alternatives of THI were used in this study: (1) THIavg, where daily average AT and daily average RH were used in the formula; (2) THImax, where maximum AT and minimum RH were used. These two alternate THI allowed fair comparisons with other studies that have assessed heat stress.
The THI formula currently used does not include wind speed and solar radiation, which may influence heat stress conditions experienced by cattle, especially if animals are kept outside (e.g., feedlot cattle; Mader et al 2006; Gaughan et al 2008). However, considering a predominantly housing system (i.e, tie or free-stall) and the lack of pasture access in Canada (Beaver et al 2020), the influence of wind speed and solar radiation on heat stress conditions may be limited. Moreover, wind speed measurements from weather stations may not represent well the farm conditions as it has a greater dependency on local topography compared with temperature and humidity (Dunn et al. 2014).
In general, THI values of 2 d prior to the TD record have been reported as having the greatest effect on reducing milk yield and feed intake (West et al. 2003; Spiers et al. 2004; Bohmanova et al. 2008). Thus, considering the delayed effect of heat load on production traits, the value assigned to each test day, for both THI definitions (i.e., THIavg and THImax), was the average of the THI on the day of milk recording and the THI of two previous days (i.e., up to 48 h before milk recording). The total number of TD records per THI value by lactation, after merging the production data with the meteorological data, is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Number of test-day (TD) records per temperature–humidity index (THI) calculated using maximum temperature and minimum relative humidity by parity, in Ontario (a) and Quebec (b).

Identification of heat stress threshold and effect on production

To identify the THI threshold in each parity at which milk, fat, and protein yields start to decline, the following steps were carried out: (1) a linear mixed model was fitted to adjust the phenotypes for known sources of environmental variation; (2) the adjusted phenotypes were plotted against the THI by lactation (first, second, or third) to provide visual information on the relationship between production and THI; and (3) a segmented polynomial was used to describe the shape of the curve describing the relationship between production and THI values, and the thresholds (i.e., breakpoints) for the polynomials were defined along the THI gradient.
In the first step, the analysis was performed for each trait (milk, fat, and protein yields) and each lactation (first, second, or third) using single-trait animal models using ASReml software (Gilmour et al. 2015). The linear mixed model used can be described as follows:
where yijklm is the mth test-day record (milk yield in kg, fat and protein yields in g) of the lth cow; μ is the overall mean; HYi is the effect of the ith combination of herd and year of recording; ADj is the jth combination of age at calving (eight classes for first lactation: = <24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30–31, >30 mo; six classes for the second lactation: = <36, 37, 38, 39–40, 41–42, >43 mo; and five classes for the third lactation: = <50, 51–52, 53–54, 55–56, >56 mo) and DIM (11 classes = 5–29, 30–60, 61–90, 91–120, 121–150, 151–180, 181–210, 211–240, 241–270, 271–300, 301–305 d); Fk is the effect of kth frequency of milking (k = 1–3); al is the random additive genetic effect of the lth animal; and eijklm is the residual term. Frequency of milking was included in the statistical model to account for the fact that animals that are milked more frequently tend to produce more milk. The residual term includes unknown sources of variation in yijklm, such as THI, in which , where is the predicted phenotypic observation given by model [1]. Therefore, the residuals of model [1] are the phenotypic observations adjusted for the known fixed environmental effects (i.e., HY, AD, and F) and the random additive genetic effect of the animal.
Hereafter, the residual term of model [1] will be referred to as adjusted phenotype (yadj), which was plotted against the THI to display the relationship between production and THI. Previous knowledge about THI thresholds for milk production (e.g., Bernabucci et al. 2014; Carabaño et al. 2016) and visual inspection of the plot provided information on the most likely number and location of the breakpoints, i.e., where the pattern of milk, fat, and protein yields would change considering the THI gradient. Visual inspection and previous knowledge of the data to be fit have been used to determine the number and location of breakpoints for segmented polynomials (Madár et al. 2003; Misztal 2006; Gorniak et al. 2014). A total of three, two, and one breakpoints were used for the segmented polynomials for milk, protein, and fat yield, respectively, to determine the THI thresholds for each trait and lactation.
Segmented polynomials describe a non-linear relationship between variables by connecting different functions through the breakpoints (Rice 1969). Thus, with a prior determination of the number and regions of breakpoints and the adjusted phenotype from model [1], segmented polynomials allowed to find THI thresholds where production started to decrease. Segmented polynomials with different linear functions were fitted using the PROC REG procedure of the SAS software (version 9.2; SAS 2011), and different breakpoint locations were tested. The general segmented polynomial model used in this study can be described as follows:
in which elements of z are given by:
where yadj is the vector of adjusted phenotypes obtained from model [1]; α is the intercept; 1 is the vector of ones; β1 is the linear regression coefficient; x is the vector of THI values; γ1,…, γn are linear regression coefficients, which give the differences in the slopes in relation to the preceding linear segments; z1i,…,zni are covariates as defined above; and C1,…, Cn is the breakpoint values. The segmented polynomial model used for milk, protein, and fat yield had three, two, and one breakpoints, respectively. The final location of the breakpoints (i.e., THI value) was determined based on the adjusted coefficient of determination (R2) of the model and the statistical significance (P value) of the segments describing the change in the adjusted phenotypes. The linear regression coefficient for each breakpoint (γ) gives the rate of change in production, from which production loss can be estimated.

Economic loss associated with decreased milk production

A simplified estimation of economic loss (EL) associated with decreased fat and protein yield was calculated as follows:
where comp$ is the milk component price, which was calculated assuming the average prices paid to producers based on fat or protein yields (i.e., $8.28·kg−1 for butterfat and $6.38·kg−1 for protein yield) following the 2019–2020 Dairy Farmers of Ontario’s Annual Report (Dairy Farmers of Ontario 2020), HSdays is the average number of days above the THI threshold per year, γ is the average decline rate (converted to kg·unit−1 of THImax) estimated for the three parities and both provinces of either fat or protein yield, HS_THI is the average THImax value above the THI threshold, and THIthreshold was set to THImax = 58, based on the average of thresholds identified for fat and protein yields. A single THI threshold for fat and protein was assumed because the average THI threshold identified for each component across lactations did not differ considerably (<5 THI units). The EL for protein and fat yields was then multiplied by the number of milking dairy cows in Ontario and Quebec, and the resulted value summed up for the total EL.

Results and Discussion

Climatic and production data

The average production in Ontario and Quebec, for each trait in the three lactations, is shown in Table 1. Ontario and Quebec comprise the Central Canada region, characterized by a humid continental climate (Dfb; Ontario) and continental subarctic climate (Dfc; Quebec), according to the Köppen–Geiger system (Peel et al. 2007), with Ontario having warmer and longer summers compared with those in Quebec. These provinces have a similar level of production and are major contributors to the dairy cattle industry in Canada. Over the studied years, daily production averages considering both provinces were 32.07 kg (±8.25), 1312.76 g (±315.42), and 1095.87 g (±229.01) of milk, fat, and protein yield, respectively (Supplementary Table S11). These average productions were similar to the average production in other Holstein populations used to study the effect of heat stress worldwide (e.g., Bohmanova et al. 2007; Bernabucci et al. 2014; Carabaño et al. 2016).
Table 1.
Table 1. Average production (milk, fat, and protein yields) in the first three lactations of Canadian Holstein cows in Ontario and Quebec.
Physiological mechanisms determined mainly by the endocrine system are responsible for maintaining the animal’s fitness in the environment (Roy and Collier 2012). Under environmental conditions that impair heat exchange, the animal’s body temperature increases, and physiological responses are triggered. Two important factors that impact the heat exchange between the environment and an animal are AT and RH (Hahn et al. 2009). Despite the predominance of cold weather in Canada, the summer months (from June to September) were characterized by elevated AT and high RH, with maximum AT of 37.6 and 36.1 °C in Ontario and Quebec, respectively (Table 2). In both provinces, cows were exposed to AT higher than 28.4 °C, which is considered as the upper limit at which they can maintain a stable body temperature (Dikmen and Hansen 2009). Moreover, the RH levels also exceeded the upper limit of 70%, which is needed for adequate cow comfort, as above this limit, evaporative cooling systems are hindered (Maust et al. 1972; Berman 2006). Therefore, the AT and RH levels reported in this study suggest that Canadian cows raised in Ontario and Quebec might experience heat stress during the summer months.
Table 2.
Table 2. Averages ambient temperature (AT), maximum AT (ATmax), relative humidity (RH), and minimum RH (RHmin), and averages temperature–humidity index calculated using daily average AT and RH (THIavg) and maximum AT and minimum RH (THImax) during the summer (1 June to 30 September) over 10 yr in Ontario (ON) and Quebec (QC).

Note: Prov, province.

Obtained from weather stations.
During the summer periods between 2010 and 2019, the average THImax (THIavg) was 70.0 (64.6) and 67.9 (61.9) in Ontario and Quebec, respectively. Assuming a THImax threshold of 62 based on the average threshold for milk, fat, and protein yields found in the current study, cows most likely experienced heat stress (THImax > 62) in, on average, 115 and 106 d per year in Ontario and Quebec, respectively (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Number of days per temperature–humidity index (THI) classes during the summer over the years (2010–2019). The THI was calculated using maximum temperature and minimum relative humidity in Ontario (a) and Quebec (b).
The use of meteorological information from the nearest weather station to each herd is a limitation for the accuracy of describing on-farm climatic conditions. The maximum distance allowed between the weather station and a farm varies among studies. For instance, the maximum distance was 5 km in Italy (Bernabucci et al. 2014), 60 km in Australia (Nguyen et al. 2016), and 60 km in Germany (Brügemann et al. 2012). Generally, the further away a weather station is from a farm, the less likely the weather station will accurately predict the weather conditions on-farm. However, it is important to consider that weather stations very close to the farm are not always available. Studies on the relationship between climatic conditions on-farm and measures from the closest weather station have found that THI calculated with weather station data underestimates the heat stress occurring within the barn (Schüller et al. 2013; Shock et al. 2016; Ouellet et al. 2019a). In this regard, studies showed that when using weather station data as a surrogate to on-farm data, THImax describes better the within barn conditions compared with THIavg (Ravagnolo et al. 2000; Ouellet et al. 2019a).

Determined THI thresholds

The observed relationship between the adjusted phenotype and THI values for the three lactations and three traits are shown in Figs. 35. Additionally, the number of observations available per THImax (THIavg) are presented in Supplementary material (Supplementary Tables S1–S41). A decline in production as THI values increased was observed after the first threshold for all traits except milk yield (an increase in milk production was observed from the first to the second threshold). The first THImax (THIavg) thresholds after which milk yield declined ranged from 67 (64) to 71 (66) in Ontario and 64 (61) to 69 (63) in Quebec across lactations. A second threshold describing a further severe decline in milk yield was observed when THImax (THIavg) values exceeded 76 (74) in both provinces across the three lactations. For fat yield, a single THImax (THIavg) of 56 (50) in Ontario and 58 (50) in Quebec was found, at which the production started to decrease. For protein yield, the first THImax (THIavg) threshold ranged from 57 (57) to 62 (60) in Ontario and from 59 (55) to 62 (58) in Quebec across lactations. A second THImax (THIavg) threshold, describing a greater decline in protein yield, was similar for the two provinces and ranged from 77 (71) to 80 (74) across lactations. Protein and fat yield had a similar response pattern to THI with one or two thresholds describing a negative slope, whereas for milk yield, the first breakpoint described a positive slope. Cows under heat stress respond to evaporative heat loss requirements with increased water intake (Hall et al. 2018; Collier et al. 2019), which may partially explain the observed increase in milk at relatively high levels of THI compared with the other two components. The reduction in milk fat and protein production has also been reported in other studies (Gorniak et al. 2014; Carabaño et al. 2016; Ouellet et al. 2019a).
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Relationship between the adjusted milk yield and temperature–humidity index calculated using daily averages ambient temperature and relative humidity (THIavg; grey line) and daily maximum ambient temperature and minimum relative humidity (THImax; black line) in first, second, and third lactation of Holstein cows in Ontario (ac) and Quebec (df), respectively.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Relationship between the adjusted fat yield and temperature–humidity index calculated using daily averages ambient temperature and relative humidity (THIavg; grey line) and daily maximum ambient temperature and minimum relative humidity (THImax; black line) in first, second and third lactation of Holstein cows in Ontario (ac) and Quebec (df), respectively.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Relationship between the adjusted protein yield and temperature–humidity index calculated using daily averages ambient temperature and relative humidity (THIavg; grey line) and daily maximum ambient temperature and minimum relative humidity (THImax; black line) in first, second and third lactation of Holstein cows in Ontario (ac) and Quebec (df), respectively.
In the present study, the THImax (THIavg) thresholds estimated for Ontario and Quebec, at which milk yield started to decline, was on average 68 (64) across the three lactations. Under comparable environmental conditions, THImax (THIavg) thresholds were identified at 75 (69) in Belgium and 73 (62) in Luxembourg (Hammami et al. 2013; Carabaño et al. 2016), at THIavg = 65 in Germany (Pinto et al. 2020), and THIavg = 68 in Poland (Herbut et al. 2015). Differences in heat stress thresholds across studies may be due to many factors, which can be environmental in nature, such as climate, measurement conditions (climate chambers vs. commercial conditions), or related to animals, such as parity, production level, and breed.
The average THImax (THIavg) thresholds across the three lactations for fat and protein yield were 57 (50) and 60 (58) in Ontario and Quebec, respectively. Therefore, lower THI thresholds were observed for milk components compared with milk yield, indicating greater sensitivity of milk components to heat stress. This finding agrees with other studies, which also found that milk components are more sensitive to heat stress than milk yield (e.g., Hammami et al. 2015; Carabaño et al. 2016; Ouellet et al. 2019b). Changes in milk composition during heat stress are associated with decreased milk protein synthesis and could partly explain this greater sensitivity (Hu et al. 2016). Furthermore, studies have shown that increased THI values are associated with increased somatic cell score (SCS) (Hammami et al. 2013; Lambertz et al. 2014; Negri et al. 2021), which need to be further evaluated in Canada. In general, the greater sensitivity of milk components to heat stress can be an additional challenge for the Canadian dairy industry, as farmers are currently paid based on fat and protein yields.
The THI thresholds identified for fat and protein were higher in Quebec than in Ontario. However, the opposite was observed on the THI thresholds for milk yield. Possible explanations for this fact are related to factors such as types of barns, stocking density, and level of productivity, which differ considerably between the two provinces. For instance, in Quebec, more than 90% of the barns are tie-stall barns, whereas in Ontario, this type of barn represents less than 70% (CDIC 2021a, 2021b). Improving cow’s comfort to ensure an acceptable level of welfare is paramount, especially for producers using a tie-stall system, as there is a positive association between welfare and higher productivity and profitability in this farm (Villettaz Robichaud et al. 2019). This might indicate that a higher number of farms in Quebec are equipped with some type of cooling system when compared with Ontario. Further studies should consider the factors altering the micro-climate within the barn in each province. Moving forward, it is recommendable that barn climatic conditions should be recorded and stored in dairy cattle breeding databases for future studies.

Production losses due to heat stress

Assuming the THI threshold of 58 for fat and protein yields, the average number of days per year exceeding this threshold in both provinces was 156 d, with an average of 10 THI units above the threshold. As mentioned before, according to THI thresholds estimated in this study, milk components are more sensitive than milk yield to heat stress. Thus, these components may be affected by high temperature and humidity in a greater number of days in both provinces. The THImax and THIavg thresholds and their respective average productive losses associated with heat stress for the two provinces and three traits are shown in Table 3 for Ontario, and in Table 4 for Quebec. The rate of decline is expressed in kg·d−1 per unit of THI above the threshold for milk yield and in g·d−1 per unit of THI above the threshold for fat and protein yield. There was no considerable difference between the estimated losses from THIavg and THImax, except for the case of extreme THI values (e.g., THImax (THIavg) = 80 (71)) for protein yield. Collier and Zimbelman (2007) and West et al. (2003) also reported a linear decline in milk yield above the THI threshold.
Table 3.
Table 3. Estimated temperature–humidity index (THI) thresholds with respective slope (γ) and standard error (SE) for milk (kg), fat (g), and protein (g) yields in Ontario.
Temperature–humidity index calculated using daily averages of ambient temperature and relative humidity.
Temperature–humidity index calculated using daily maximum of ambient temperature and minimum relative humidity.
P < 0.01.
Table 4.
Table 4. Estimated temperature–humidity index (THI) thresholds with respective slope (γ) and standard error (SE) for milk (kg), fat (g), and protein (g) yields in Quebec.
Temperature–humidity index calculated using daily averages of ambient temperature and relative humidity.
Temperature–humidity index calculated using daily maximum of ambient temperature and minimum relative humidity.
P < 0.01.
In Ontario, the average impact of a unit of THImax or THIavg above the first threshold at which a decrease in milk yield was observed ranged from −0.05 to −0.08 kg·d−1. Severe heat stress was picked up by a second threshold, which resulted in milk yield losses ranging from −0.16 to −0.31 kg·d−1. In Quebec, the average decline rate ranged from −0.01 to −0.05 kg·d−1 per unit of THImax or THIavg, with a greater decline observed after the second THI threshold ranging from −0.21 to −0.48 kg·d−1. With comparable average daily milk production, milk losses due to heat stress were estimated to be up to −0.14 kg·d−1 per unit of THImax or THIavg in Belgium (Carabaño et al. 2016). In Italy, milk losses ranged from −0.91 to −1.27 kg·d−1 per unit of THImax for the first, second, and third lactation (Bernabucci et al. 2014). In Germany, based on different production systems, the decline of milk yield ranged from −0.16 to −0.47 kg·d−1 per unit of THImax (Brügemann et al. 2012).
The rate of decline found for protein yield ranged from −1.81 to −2.57 g·d−1 per unit of THImax or THIavg above the threshold in Ontario, and from −1.07 to −1.98 g·d−1 in Quebec. Maximum declines above the second THImax (THIavg) threshold of −10.83 and −9.08 g·d−1 were observed in Ontario and Quebec, respectively. Average estimated fat yield losses ranged from −2.09 to −2.40 g·d−1 per unit of THImax or THIavg in Ontario, and from −1.79 to −2.28 g·d−1 in Quebec. The results of the current study were similar to losses estimated in Europe. Average protein losses were reported ranging from −2.6 to −8.4 g·d−1 per THImax unit, with losses up to −12.1 g·d−1 per THImax unit when the top 1% of animals were considered (Carabaño et al. 2016). In the same study, fat yield losses of −2.5 to −5.1 g·d−1 per unit of THImax or THIavg were observed at extreme THI values (i.e., THImax(THIavg) = 72 (82)). By contrast, Hammami et al. (2013) estimated fat and protein yield losses of −20 and −13 g·d−1 per unit of THIavg, respectively. In Italy, protein and fat yield losses for the first three lactations were on average −50 and −30 g·d−1 per unit of THImax, respectively (Bernabucci et al. 2014). In another study using the Canadian Holstein cow population, losses of −20 g·d−1 were observed for fat yield when cows were exposed to one to two consecutive days of heat stress (Ouellet et al. 2019b). It seems that the rate of decline is quite sensitive to a number of factors, such as different THI scaling and thresholds (Bohmanova et al. 2007), the period of time that cows are exposed to high THI (Ouellet et al. 2019b), and different production systems (Brügemann et al. 2012).
Parity differences for heat tolerance were observed, with first-parity cows having lower average rates of decline for the three traits when compared with second- and third-parity cows. This result is in line with other studies of heat stress that evaluated animals across the first three lactations (Aguilar et al. 2009; Bernabucci et al. 2014; Gantner et al. 2017), showing that first-parity cows exhibited lower sensitivity to heat stress. This lower sensitivity can be explained by the different metabolic states of the animals, which results in lower milk yield of first-parity cows compared with multiparous cows (Wathes et al. 2007).

Economic loss associated with heat stress

Assuming the THI threshold of 58 for fat and protein yields, cows would be under heat stress on an average 156 d per year, with an average of 10 THI units above the threshold. Considering the average decline per unit of THI exceeding the threshold for each component across lactations and provinces, the overall reduction in fat and protein yields was estimated to be 2.98 and 3.79 kg·cow−1 yr−1, respectively. Assuming the average prices paid to producers (i.e., $8.28·kg−1 for butterfat and $6.38·kg−1 for protein yield; Dairy Farmers of Ontario 2020), the impact of heat stress on the productivity of cows results in a potential EL of $50.40 per cow per year. For an average annual production of a Holstein cow (i.e., 426.5 kg of fat and 354 kg of protein yield, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2021), and the price paid to producers, the EL represents about 1% of the total income per cow per year. Considering the total number of cows (i.e., 222,129 in Ontario and 247,166 in Quebec), an EL of $34.5 million per year might occur due to heat stress in Ontario and Quebec.
In the United States, St-Pierre et al. (2003) estimated averaged annual ELs due to heat stress ranging from $897 million to $1.5 billion. Studies have also estimated annual losses associated with milk yield reduction if dry cows were exposed to hot environmental conditions without cooling to be $87 per cow (Ferreira et al. 2016), and losses of daughters born from dams exposed to heat stress during late gestation to be $39 per daughter (Laporta et al. 2020). The differences in EL estimates are mostly related to the size of the respective dairy industry, the method used to estimate the impact, and the different environmental conditions across countries (e.g., number of days over the thermal comfort). In the current study, only the decrease in fat and protein yields was considered to estimate the ELs, which results in a partial estimation of the economic impact of heat stress. Future studies on ELs due to heat stress in the dairy industry should account for factors, such as disease incidence (Nardone et al. 2010), reproductive performance (Pinedo and de Vries 2017), cow mortality (Bishop-Williams et al. 2015), and other important economic traits, such as SCS (Negri et al. 2021).


Our findings showed the usefulness of publicly available weather station data to assess the overall impact of heat stress in dairy cattle production. Based on our study, cows are exposed to high heat loads on average 105 and 92 d per year during the summer in Quebec and Ontario, respectively, which has a negative effect on production level. Different THI thresholds, at which heat load starts to affect milk, fat, and protein yields in the first three lactations, were defined for Ontario and Quebec. Expected economic impact arising from reduced milk solids production due to heat stress was estimated to be $34.5 million for Ontario and Quebec. Overall, this study provides an initial investigation on the impact of heat stress and delivers a basis for genetic studies on heat tolerance in Canadian dairy cattle.


Financial support for this study was provided by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund through the Food from Thought project ( This research was also financially supported by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Ottawa, ON, Canada), and by additional contributions from Dairy Farmers of Canada (Ottawa, ON Canada), Lactanet (Guelph, ON, Canada), and the Canadian Dairy Commission (Ottawa, ON, Canada) under the Agri-Science Clusters Initiative. As per the research agreement, aside from providing financial support, the funders have no role in the design and conduct of the studies, data collection, and analysis or interpretation of the data. Researchers maintain independence in conducting their studies, own their data, and report the outcomes regardless of the results. The decision to publish the findings rests solely with the researchers. C. Baes also gratefully acknowledges support from NSERC (Ottawa, ON, Canada).


Supplementary data are available with the article at


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Supplementary Material

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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image Canadian Journal of Animal Science
Canadian Journal of Animal Science
Volume 102Number 2June 2022
Pages: 368 - 381
Editor: Filippo Miglior


Received: 3 September 2021
Accepted: 5 January 2022
Accepted manuscript online: 4 March 2022
Version of record online: 4 March 2022

Key Words

  1. dairy cow
  2. heat stress
  3. productivity
  4. temperature–humidity index


  1. vache laitière
  2. stress thermique
  3. productivité
  4. indice de température-humidité



I.L. Campos [email protected]
Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock, Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, Canada.
T.C.S Chud
Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock, Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, Canada.
H.R. Oliveira
Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock, Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, Canada.
C.F. Baes*
Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock, Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, Canada.
Institute of Genetics, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Bern 3001, Switzerland.
A. Cánovas*
Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock, Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, Canada.
F.S. Schenkel
Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock, Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, Canada.


A. Cánovas and C. Baes served as Associate Editors at the time of manuscript review and acceptance; peer review and editorial decisions regarding this manuscript were handled by Mauro Penasa and Filippo Miglior.

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