Quantifying when and where survival varies throughout the life of a fish is critical to ensuring effective population management. It is also notoriously difficult to achieve. This is especially true for difficult-to-capture fish that undertake long-distance migrations as juveniles. During juvenile migration survival is highly variable and determined by a complex mixture of size- and habitat-dependent processes (
Alerstam et al. 2003;
Pavlov et al. 2008;
Thorstad et al. 2012). Among these fishes are several culturally, economically, and ecologically important parasitic lampreys (
Docker et al. 2015). Prior to downstream migration (seaward or lakeward) from natal rivers, these lampreys complete an energetically costly metamorphosis to transition to parasitic feeding (
Youson 2003). Post-transformation, migrating juveniles (also known as macropthalmia or transformers) are relatively weak swimmers that must traverse a gauntlet of natural and anthropogenic risks, including passage over dams or through turbines, entrainment in irrigation canals, and movement through zones of potentially high predation pressure affiliated with estuaries and drowned rivermouth lakes (
Moser et al. 2015a;
Evans et al. 2021). Decisions about where and when to apply resources to improve conservation and management outcomes would be substantially improved with the ability to identify locations of heightened mortality risk and their associated habitat conditions.
Survival estimates for migrating juvenile fishes may be calculated from tagging studies that also reveal critical information about migration routes and movement timing (
Lucas and Baras 2000;
Crossin et al. 2017). Traditional approaches (e.g., capture–mark–recapture with physical tags) rely on large catches of juveniles in rivers and offshore waters at the start and completion of a migratory period. Although such tagging has been attempted for juvenile lampreys (e.g.,
Bergstedt and Seelye 1995;
Bergstedt et al. 2003;
Johnson et al. 2016), the ability to recapture tagged individuals at river mouths (i.e., at the conclusion of the outmigration phase), or at the cessation of parasitic feeding, has proven challenging. For example,
Howe et al. (2006) tagged and released 4125 newly transformed juvenile sea lamprey (
Petromyzon marinus) into tributaries of Lake Champlain, NY, but only recovered 6 individuals during parasitic feeding and 35 as adults returning to spawn. Alternatively, the use of surgically implanted electronic telemetry tags that emit a unique coded signal allows for repeated detection of fish during migration, negating the need for physical recapture (
Crossin et al. 2017).
A recent advance in the miniaturization of acoustic telemetry transmitters has made available an acoustic microtransmitter suitable for the small, narrow bodies of migrating juvenile anguilliform fishes (
Deng et al. 2021). The Eel-Lamprey Acoustic Transmitter (ELAT) measures 12 mm in length and 2 mm in diameter and weighs 0.08 g in air (0.04 g in water), and is comparable in size to 12 mm passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags that have been successfully used in laboratory and field studies with pre- and post-metamorphic juvenile lampreys (
Mueller et al. 2006;
Mesa et al. 2012;
Dawson et al. 2015;
Simard et al. 2017). Laboratory studies have established suitable protocols for surgical implantation of the ELAT in juvenile lampreys (
Mueller et al. 2019;
Haas et al. 2023), and initial field studies have demonstrated the ability to detect the transmitter with efficiencies exceeding 90% at detection ranges of 80–140 m in riverine and estuarine environments (
Liedtke et al. 2019;
Deng et al. 2021). Here, we report the results of a field study designed to evaluate the utility of the ELAT for estimating the survival of downstream migrating sea lampreys (
Petromyzon marinus) from a tributary to the Laurentian Great Lakes.
The sea lamprey had successfully invaded the upper Laurentian Great Lakes (Ontario, Huron, Michigan, and Superior) following modifications to canal infrastructure that allowed circumnavigation around natural barriers to dispersal (
Lawrie 1970). Since the 1950s this population has been the target of an intensive international control program (
Siefkes et al. 2013;
Burkett et al. 2021). Control currently relies on a combination of barriers (low-head dams) that prevent infestation of upstream regions and the application of lamprey-specific pesticides (also known as lampricides) to streams where reproduction does occur. Other forms of control have been pursued (e.g., trapping, sterile-male release), but they are not widely used (
Christie and Goddard 2003;
Siefkes et al. 2021). Decisions about where and when to apply lampricides are guided by estimates of large (>80 mm) larval sea lamprey abundance, with treatment priority allotted to streams based on anticipated production of newly transformed parasites counterweighed by the cost of treatment (i.e., cost-to-kill ratio:
Christie et al. 2003;
Jones et al. 2009). There are currently no empirical estimates of survival for newly transformed sea lampreys transiting from natal tributaries into the Great Lakes and a scant description of outmigration behavior. Consequently, the process for assigning resources to control actions is conditional on the assumption that juveniles have an equal likelihood of surviving to become active parasites on Great Lakes fishes, regardless of their stream of origin (
Howe et al. 2012;
Robinson et al. 2013). This is a tenuous assumption. There is substantial evidence for stream-specific variation in growth and survival rates in land-locked sea lamprey throughout the larval phase (
Applegate 1950;
Hansen et al. 2003;
Jones et al. 2003;
Dawson and Jones 2009) and transformation (
Hardisty and Potter 1971;
Purvis 1980;
Morman 1987;
Hansen et al. 2003;
Johnson and Miehls 2014,
Manzon et al. 2015). If survival through outmigration exhibits similar variation across streams, then stream ranking decisions are at risk of misaligning with large-scale program goals. Specifically, killing larvae in streams where outmigration mortality is high may be of less value than killing those in streams with low outmigration mortality.
The principal impediment to generating survival estimates during outmigration has been methodological. Newly transformed sea lampreys are difficult to capture, making traditional mark-recapture efforts unlikely to prove useful and cost-effective. The goals of this study were to evaluate the utility of the ELAT acoustic microtransmitter for estimating outmigration survival in juvenile sea lamprey, generate empirical information on migration timing and rates from a Great Lakes tributary, and develop sample size criteria to guide future work using the ELAT to generate robust estimates of outmigration survival. We monitored the downstream (lakeward) movement of 56 newly transformed juvenile sea lamprey as they transited through a sequence of habitat types (single-thread river, river–wetland complex, and drowned rivermouth lake) typical of the complex ecosystem configurations in the Great Lakes that resemble coastal marine estuaries (
Larson et al. 2013). We also examined the speed and timing of downstream movements with respect to environmental features hypothesized to affect movement decisions in sea lamprey. Specifically, we predicted the following:
Ground speeds would differ across habitat types. Prior reports suggest outmigrating juvenile sea lamprey are weak swimmers that may drift with flow near the center of the channel (
Potter 1980;
Sotola et al. 2018;
Haas et al. 2023). Consequently, as migrants transitioned from relatively narrow rivers to the widening river–wetland complex to the large, deep drowned rivermouth lake, we expected ground speeds to change to match the average water velocity.
From receiver detection data, we fit a Cormack–Jolly–Seber (CJS) model to estimate detection probability at each receiver and survival between receivers, comparing observed rates across the habitat types. Finally, we conducted simulation analyses based on the estimated CJS model to determine model sensitivity to tagging levels, the number of release locations for tagged individuals, and varying survival and detection probabilities.