Cited by
1. High-precision mass measurement of
with the double Penning trap JYFLTRAP improves the mass value for
3. Determination of the nitrogen content in silicon by charged particle activation analysis and the calibration of IR-analysis
4. Charged particle penetration in gas targets designed for accelerator production of radionuclides used in nuclear medicine
5. Energy levels of A = 21–44 nuclei (VI)
6. Cl35(p,n)35
Ar threshold energy and its relation to the vanishing Cabibbo angle
7. A simple energy-calibration procedure for electrostatic accelerators
8. Some tandem accelerators in the Soviet Union
10. Energy levels of A = 21−44 nuclei (V)
11. Energy levels of light nuclei A = 13–15
13. The energy calibration of tandem accelerators
14. A=60 Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn
16. Energy levels of Z = 11−21 nuclei (IV)
17. Scattering of 10 MeV neutrons by 6Li and 7Li
18. The Coulomb displacement energies of nuclei
20. Measurement of (p, n) thresholds at tandem energies
21. A fast calibration method for cyclotrons employing incremental target potential techniques
22. The first T = 1 level in 58Cu
23. Zur borbestimmung in silizium und germanium durch aktivierung mit protonen und deuteronen
24. Inelastic scattering of 95 keV neutrons from the 45 keV level in 238U
25. Excitation function of the reaction Al27(p, n)Si27
26. The accurate determination of some (p, n) thresholds in the proton energy range 5 to 10 MeV
29. Neutron yields from proton bombardment of thick targets
30. A method for the determination of the thickness of thin Li-targets
31. A study of the gamma radiation produced in the alpha-particle bombardment of O16
32. Neutrons from the proton bombardment of Li6, Li7, Be9, B11 and O18
33. Excitation function of the N14(p, n)O14 total cross section from threshold to 12 MeV
34. Recommended Values of Calibration Energies
35. Accurate Measurements of (p,n) Thresholds in the Proton Energy Range 5 to 10 MeV
36. Magnetic Analysis of the
Be9(p, α)Li6
37. The reaction Ti46(p, n)V46(β+)Ti46
39. Studies of (p, n) reactions with a He3 ion chamber and some new levels in Ne19
40. Energy levels in Si27, Co56 and Zn63
41. Isobaric States in Nonmirror Nuclei
42. New relative nuclidic masses
43. (
p, n
) Reaction Thresholds in
, and
44. Energy levels of light nuclei. III Z = 11 to Z = 20
45. Neutron threshold measurements in the reactions 9Be(p, n)9B, 10B(p, n)10C, 11B(p, n)11C
46. Neutron threshold measurements in the reactions 9Be(p, n)9B, 10B(p, n)10C, 11B(p, n)11C
47. Differential cross sections for the T(p, n)He3 reaction
48. Proton capture gamma rays in the giant resonance region in light nuclei
49. "Breaks" in the Activation Curve of the
P31(γ, n)P30
50. Elastic Scattering of Identical Spin-Zero Nuclei
51. The C13(p, n)N13 reaction cross section from threshold to 13 MeV
55. References for A = 5 - 20
59. Energy Levels of Light Nuclei A = 5 to A = 20
60. Energy Levels of Nuclei A = 21 to A = 212
61. Current experimentation with the tandem accelerator at the chalk river laboratories
62. 3He induced reactions