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Publication: Canadian Journal of Physics
December 1965


The gamma rays from the first two excited states of 15O and 15N populated by the 14N + d, T(16O, αγ)15N, and 16O(3He, αγ)15O reactions have been observed with a Ge(Li) spectrometer. The measured energy separations are 50 ± 5 keV for the 15O doublet and 28.5 ± 3 keV for the 15N doublet. The difference between the 5.24-MeV gamma ray from 15O and the 5.27-MeV gamma ray from 15N is 29 ± 1 keV. From Doppler-shift and broadening measurements of the energies of the gamma rays from the T(16O, αγ)15N and 16O(3He, αγ)15O reactions, information on the mean lifetimes of the states was obtained. The mean lifetimes of the 5.30-and 5.27-MeV states of 15N are 4.3 ± 1.8 × 10−14 sec and > 10−12 sec respectively. The mean lifetimes of the 5.19- and 5.24-MeV states of 15O are < 3 × 10−13 sec and > 10−12 sec respectively.


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cover image Canadian Journal of Physics
Canadian Journal of Physics
Volume 43Number 12December 1965
Pages: 2310 - 2318


Version of record online: 11 February 2011


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Cited by

1. Lifetimes in N15 from gamma-ray line shapes produced in the H2(14 N, p γ) and N14 (thermal n ,γ) reactions
2. The measurement of the lifetimes of excited nuclear states
3. An experimental and theoretical study of the low-lying states of 15 N
4. Lifetimes of bound states in 15O
5. Low lying octupole excitations in 15N
6. Study of odd-A nuclei in the 2s-1d shell by means of the (γ, γ') reaction
7. A facility for resonance-flourescence experiments using an electron linac
8. Non-normal parity states in A = 15, 14 and 13 nuclei
9. Recoil Broadening of Secondary Transitions in Neutron-Capture Gamma-Ray Cascades
10. Doppler-Shift Lifetime Measurements in the p and s−d Shells Using Lithium Reactions
11. Lifetime measurements in mass-15 nuclei
12. Core polarization effects in 15O and 15N
13. A study of positive-parity states in 15O
15. Precision Measurements of Gamma-Ray Energies in the Region from 2.3 to 7.1 MeV
16. Attenuated Doppler shift lifetime measurements in proton capture reactions
17. Gamma rays from positive parity states in 15N
18. Comparison of signs of mixing ratios to model predictions

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