Cited by
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2. Impact of war on the environment: ecocide
3. Abolitionist Ecological Security
4. Ecosystem service indicators on military‐managed drylands in the Western United States
5. The perspectives of remote sensing and GIS on military environmental impacts: a systematic review
6. Rocket launches threaten global biodiversity conservation
7. Caught in the crossfire: biodiversity conservation paradox of sociopolitical conflict
8. Population connectivity and size reductions in the Anthropocene: the consequence of landscapes and historical bottlenecks in white forsythia fragmented habitats
9. Do military expenditures have an impact on the adoption of renewable energy in OECD nations? Evidence from a panel cointegration test approach
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11. The Impact of War on the Environment
12. Sensitivity ecology and evolution, toxicology organism assessment model in the use of chemical applications for the management of toxic substances
13. Soil Degradation and Contamination Due to Armed Conflict in Ukraine
14. The impacts of armed conflict on vegetation cover degradation in Tigray, northern Ethiopia
15. A Deep Learning Framework for Real-Time Bird Detection and Its Implications for Reducing Bird Strike Incidents
16. Bioremediation of High Molecular Weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
17. Animal migration in the Anthropocene: threats and mitigation options
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19. Analyzing the Military’s Role in Producing Air Toxics Disparities in the United States: A Critical Environmental Justice Approach
20. The impact of armed conflicts on natural ecosystems and environmental protection
21. Sightings of the endangered scalloped hammerhead shark (
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22. Rocket launches threaten global conservation
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32. Contribution of military training areas for the conservation of calcareous grasslands
33. Environmental (in)security, peacebuilding and green economic recovery in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine
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53. Development of a scientific and methodological approach to assessing losses from warfare in natural ecosystems on the territory of Ukraine
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132. Assessment of Toxicity to Earthworm Eisenia fetida of Lead Contaminated Shooting Range Soils with Different Properties
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134. Detection of Toxic Chemicals on Ground by Stand‐off Raman Spectroscopy
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137. Conservation geopolitics
138. Designing a Raspberry Pi sensor network for remote observation of wildlife
139. Analysis of Raman Spectral Characteristics of Chemical Warfare Agents by Using 248‐nm UV Raman Spectroscopy
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146. Vulnerability of mammals to land-use changes in Colombia’s post-conflict era
147. Biodiversity conservation and armed conflict: a warfare ecology perspective
148. Keeping pace with technology: drones, disturbance and policy deficiency
149. Hyphenated and non-hyphenated chromatographic techniques for trace level explosives in water bodies – a review
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151. Mapping elemental contamination on Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge
152. Longitudinal survey of lead, cadmium, and copper in seagrass Syringodium filiforme from a former bombing range (Vieques, Puerto Rico)
153. Ecological security and military organization in the digital age
154. Severe decline and partial recovery of a rare butterfly on an active military training area
155. Managing military training-related environmental disturbance
156. Effect of water table variations and input of natural organic matter on the cycles of C and N, and mobility of As, Zn and Cu from a soil impacted by the burning of chemical warfare agents: A mesocosm study
157. Knock‐on effects of national risk assessments on the conservation of global biodiversity
158. The effects of militarization on biofuel consumption and CO 2 emission
159. Principles for integrated environmental management of military training areas
160. Manifestation of maritime piracy as an additional challenge for global conservation
161. The causal link among militarization, economic growth, CO2 emission, and energy consumption
162. Artillery for Conservation
163. Bombs, fire and biodiversity: Vertebrate fauna occurrence in areas subject to military training
164. A Review of the Impact of Militarisation: The Case of Rhino Poaching in Kruger National Park, South Africa